Food in Turkey: Turkish sweets and desserts


Turkish sun, sea, mountains, warm sand, visiting all sorts of historical and natural attractions. And, here, it would seem all ... "See Paris and die!" Early! You have not tried Turkish sweets!

Turkey is just a paradise for sweet bowls, which only goodies here are not, just a huge amount of sweets prepared by the most different recipes. Called all this variety of Turkish word Tatla (Tatlı), which means "sweetness, sweet."

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Desserts in Turkey are divided into flour and dairy, as well as desserts prepared with the addition of nuts, starch, fruit. From flour, perhaps the most beloved and familiar Russian-speaking public dessert, is "Baklava" (Baklava), whose species dozens. In Russian-speaking sites, the name "Pakhlava" is most often found, but since we are talking about Turkish cuisine, I will use a purely Turkish name.

Baklava (Baklava)

According to the statements of historians, the first " Baklava "Appeared in the Ottoman Empire in 1453, the court chef of the Palace" Topkapi "first prepared it for the Sultan Mehmed Fatiha, Sultan was so struck by her an unusual taste that he ordered the way to prepare the Baklava to the palace recipe book.

A bitlava is prepared from the bulken puff pastry with nuts and soaked with a scratch. Depending on the bucklaw fillings, it happens "Jevisli" (CEVIZLI) - Baklava with Walnut, "Firecles" (fıstıklı) - with pistachios, "FINDIKLY" (Fındıklı) - with a hazelnut. There is a cocoa or chocolate cocoa - Kakaolu Baklava (Kakaolu baklava) or Chicolatals Baklava " (çikolatalı baklava).

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In Shcherbet Baklava "Syutlu Nury" (Sütlü Nuriye), with a beautiful female name, milk add, and a hazelnut is used for the filling. Perhaps this is my favorite Baklava, at the expense of milk the taste of her becomes unusually delicate and not so slow-sweet.

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Depending on the method of folding the Tough case, it happens: "Dürium Baklava" (Dürüm Baklava) or also call it "Sarma Baklava" (Sarma Baklava), it turns into the form of a tube or a rectangle, but, unlike the classic cormorant, the Baclava Düs is a bit tougher and land, because more larger nuts are added.

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"Schibieet Baklava" (Şöbiyet Baklava) folds in the form of a triangle, and the Baklava "Heline Bochchasa" (Gelin bohçası) - "Bride nodule" In the form of a small conversion.

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"Havuchi Dilimi" (Havuç Dilimi) - translates as a slice of carrots and in shape it also reminds.

"Shed Baklava" (Saray Baklava) or "Palace Baklava" in the form of a short roll with pistachio sprinkle.

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Bacllaw round shape, slightly shined from above, with a sprinkling of crushed walnuts or pistachios called "Bulbul Yuvasi" or "Nest of Solovya".

A little shorn and resembling a little Sharpei Baklava puppy wears a name "Burma Baklava" Burma Baklava. It is usually prepared in a round dishes, laying the dough layers in the form of a snail.

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"Dilber Duda" (Dilber Dudağı) This name of the Baklava received for its shape, reminiscent of the lips silhouette. The author's muse of this bit was called the beautiful Turkish name Dilber, but, judging by the size and shape of the dessert, I doubt that she was a Turkhanka :)

"PRENSES Baklavasi" (Prenses baklavası) make it produced in the form of thin tubes from the dough with pistachio filling.

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By the degree of impregnation with a scherbet, Baklava happens: "Kuru Baklava" (Kuru Bakşava) "Dry" Baklava, with a small schcherbet content, a classic medium impregnation cormide and "Yasse Baklava" (Yaş baklava) is the most juicy of them.

The most famous Baclava is the Baklava of the brand "Gullyoglu" (Güllüoğlu). The company has been prepared by Blava for more than half a century. In general, it is believed that the most delicious Baklava is preparing in the city of Gaziantepe, from where a family in a row Gullyoglu and native.

Cadayf (Kadayıf)

"Cadaif" - This is another no less tasty and no less sweet dessert. There are several species, most popular of them are "Tel Cadaif", "EKMEK CADAIF", "Burma Kadaif".

The main ingredients "Tel" and "Burma Kadaifa" They are crushed pistachios, sherbet and dough in the form of thin threads, thanks to which Kadaif tender crisp delicacy. These two species differ in the form and quantity and consistency of sugar syrup. "Tel" is more impregnated with sherbet and has a square shape, and "Burma" is prepared in the form of curl. The most delicious "Burma Kadaif" is from the diyarbakyr. By the way, the dough for the preparation of "Tel" and "Burma" Kadaif "Cadaif Khamur" and for Baklava "Ballava Yufkasa" can be found in almost any Turkish store.

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"EKMEK CADAIF" It is radically different from his fellow names, it is served with Caimak's thick Turkish cream (Kaymak), and a porous cake is generously impregnated with sugar syrup ("Emec" with a tour. - Bread).

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Künefe (Künefe)

If "Baklava" and "Cadaif" can seem too illustrated, "Künef" Neither will not leave indifferent. It combines gentle dough for "Cadaph", sherbet and cheese, which gives the dish unusual taste. It is believed that particularly tasty "Künef" is prepared in Hatai, where they use cheese made from local cow milk, which differs from the milk from the other terrain.

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Despite the fact that the ingredients and the process of preparing different types of "Baklava", "Cadaifa", "Künef" are similar, they still have a little different taste. Due to the fact that for each type there are different sterbets on consistency.

Other flour desserts

Lor Tatlısı (Lor Tatlısı)

The dough for this dessert is prepared with the addition of cheese called "ENT", to taste more similar to cottage cheese. Baked on the contradictory, pumped by pitch, decorated with coconut chips.

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Hanım Göbeği (Hanım Göbeği)

Translated as "Dame Pup" . Got its name because of the similarity with the same part of the female body. Prepared from custard dough, roasted in vegetable oil and descends for impregnation into pitch.

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Tulumba Tatlısı)

For the dessert, the same ingredients are used as for the "Hanoe Goebey", it is preparing for the same type, but the "Tulumby" turns out a more crispy replete crust.

Lock Tatlısı (Lokma Tatlısı)

It is preparing in the form of small balls similar to the previous desserts, but it turns out to be softer than "Tulumba".


"VEZir Parmai" or "Picky fingers" - It is not necessary to scare, it is just a dessert with a kind of name, in shape resembling those fingers, and on the recipe - previous "Tulumb", "Lock".

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Shekember (şekerPare)

Prepared from the test, with the addition of semolina. Baked on the contradictory, it is abundantly poured by a scratch.

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"Gullach" Prepared from thin layers of a test made of wheat flour and corn starch, and for mixing which pink water is used. Start with ground walnut, they are abundantly watered with sweetened milk, decorated with crushed pistachios, cherries or grenade grains. For the first time, the dessert was prepared at the end of the XV in the Palace "Topkapi", today is served on the table during the sacred month of Ramazan.

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Pastalar (Pastalar)

"Pastalar" In Turkey are cakes. The cakes are beautifully decorated here, but their taste is unlikely to enjoy lovers of home cakes, juicy and impregnated. Here they are quite the same type with an abundance of cream, but at the same time very "dry." From the institutions (PASTANE), in which I had to try Turkish cakes, most liked the "Ozzy" (Özsüt) and Mado (Mado).

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HELVA (Helva)

"HELVA" So it is called in Turkey - traditional Eastern delicacy. Prepared from caramel mass and grated oilseeds. There are several types: peanut, walnut, caramel, chocolate, vanilla, sunflower, tachin (from sesame seeds).

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Pishmaniye (Pişmaniye)

Gentle delicacy, a little resembling a sugar cotton structure, and by the form of a tangle of woolen threads. Prepared from flour and tight mass obtained as a result of prolonged boiling sugar syrup. The most interesting thing begins when several confiters begin to knead the resulting mass, stretching it, turning into the finest threads. Origin "Pishmania" - Mimit (Kojaeli).

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Check Helva (çekme Helva)

Many believe that "Chekme Helva" This is a kind of "write", but in Kastamonu, where "Chekme Helva" is being prepared that this is a separate type of delicacy. In essence, the cooking recipe is almost the same. Different form - "Check Helva" will be pretended to a square shape when "writing" remains in the form of clubs. "Check Helva" is still preparing with pistachios and with chocolate icing.

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Uncle Helvası (Un Helvası) and Irmita Helvası (İrmik Helvası)

Some of the easiest cooking. In Turkey, these desserts belong to Hulwe, and they are preparing a single principle. In the first case in butter and thick cream "Kaimak" Flour roasted to brown, then sugar syrup and nuts are added, it all communicates to a more dense consistency. In the second case, the semolina cereal is roasted in a creamy oil until golden color, milk and sugar are added, then all this languishes on slow heat before swelling cereals, dessert is obtained by crumbly, served with cedar nut.

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Lukum and Fruit and Walnut Desserts

Lukum (Lukum)

"Lukum" - One of the most popular Turkish sweets. For the first time, Lukuma recipe was drawn up in the XVIII century. Courtful Turkish confectioner Ali Bekir. Originally, the bite was prepared from pink water, sugar and starch. Over time began to add chocolate, nuts, pistachios, lemon zest, honey, cinnamon, fruit, coconut chips. Typically, a cubic shape is prepared onions and in the form of rolls. It is solid and multi-layered, as well as in the form of sausages with a walnut filling covered with grape juice, thickened flour. In Turkey it is called "Jevisley Sudzhuk" (CEVIZLI SUCUK), this kind of Lucum is more familiar under the Georgian name "Churchhel". There may also be other species.

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Jazerie (Cezeriye)

Prepare "Jazerie" From carrot and pomegranate juice with the addition of nuts, sprinkled with coconut chips. Popular delicacy in Mesin, Adana.

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Furniture (Mebrume) or Halep Tatlısı (Halep Tatlısı)

The roll of a thin twig, stuffed with a screamer.

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Kestana Shekery (Kestane şekeri)

Chestnuts cooked in pitch. The dish is popular in the city.

Kabak Tatlısı (Kabak Tatlısı)

Pumpkin (Tour. - Kabak), cried in Shcherbet, with adding honey. Served with crushed nuts.

Iyva Tatlısı (Ayva Tatlısı)

Quince, welded in Sherbet, with the addition of cinnamon. In the original, the beet juice is still added in Sherbet. Surprisingly tasty and at the same time a completely simple dish. Served with thick cream, sprinkled with crushed nuts.

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Ashura (Aşure)

"Ashura" - This is one of the most ancient traditional Turkish dishes, a symbol of abundance in the house. Traditionally, this dish included 40 ingredients, in our time "Ashura" prepare no more than 15 ingredients, usually after the holiday of Kurban-Bayrama, thanks a month. It consists of legumes, wheat, rice, barn, dried fruits, cinnamon, pomere, nuts, citrus fruits. Dessert is not only delicious, but also useful, it contains the optimal amount of iron, protein and glucose. But the dessert "on an amateur" to appreciate his taste in dignity, it must be tried several times.

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Turkish ice cream

Donadurma (dondurma)

"Dondurma" - This is a Turkish ice cream, cooked by a few different technology than the ice cream usual. In Donturm add "Salep" (a hot drink made from the root of orchid), thanks to which the donadurma becomes a burden and does not melt for a long time. The city of origin is considered to be Kahramanmaras. Ice cream is so dense consistency that even in a slightly frozen form it has to eat with a knife and fork. Since the traditional donadurma is prepared from goat milk, it has a slightly specific taste.

In the Mado cafe network (MADO), you can try a real donadurma from Kahramanmaras.

We also recommend ice cream with the addition of Turkish sweets: Ekmek Kadaife (Ekmek Kadayıflı), Tel Kadaifa (Tel Kadayıflı), Baklavalı, Incir Tatlılı, Kazandibi (Halıs KazandiBi LEZETI). Sold apart almost in any supermarket.

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Dairy desserts

No less popular in Turkey and dairy desserts, mostly cooked from milk, rice and sugar. In addition to Pastas, they are sold at any store, both in the finished form and in bags, for quick preparation.

Sütlac (Sütlaç)

"Syutlach" - This is a thick dairy rice pudding, with a crust baked in the oven. Served cold, usually in clay forms.


By traditional recipe prepares "Taucus Gyushu" From chicken breast, however, the name of the dessert and translates as a "chicken breast". Pre-cooked, cooled and separated by small fibers, meat are mixed with milk, crushed almonds, honey, boil to thickening. In modern production, sugar is added instead of honey, instead of almond - starch. The poultry meat is also often replaced with flour and margarine. Such a recipe is called "Yanezhi", which means "false".

Kazandibi (KazandiBi)

Kazandyby - Milk a little crazy dessert with a rosy crust. Prepared from flour rice, wheat, sugar, milk, butter, starch, sugar powder.

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Keskul (Keşkül)

"Keskul" - Rice pudding prepared with the addition of almonds decorated with ground pistachios and coconut chips.

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Mukhallebi (Muhallebi)

"Mukhallabi" - Milk dessert prepared from rice flour, milk, corn starch, with the addition of vanilla sugar and cinnamon. Served cold. It also happens with fruit taste: Ellmala Mukhallabi (Elmalı Muhallebi) - Apple Mukhallabi, "Mulm" (Muzlu) - banana.

Turkish sweets perfectly fit close and friends as a gift to return from this country rich with their culinary traditions of the country.

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