Travel Guide tourist #784

What should I see in Sitges?

What should I see in Sitges?
In general, the Spanish city of Sitges is interesting not only for its beaches and gay clubs, but here everyone can find something suitable for themselves....

Where inexpensive to eat in Sitges?

Where inexpensive to eat in Sitges?
As in principle, both Spanish coastal cities in Sitges also give preference to seafood dishes. Therefore, do not limit yourself only to Palelia, even despite...

Top Entertainment in Sitges

Top Entertainment in Sitges
It is probably surprising, but in Sitges, there are practically no bars working around the clock. All of them are usually closed about two o'clock in the...

Rest in Playa de las Americas: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer.

Rest in Playa de las Americas: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer.
To get to the Spanish resort of Las Americas, which is located on the island of Tenerife, can be immediately in several ways. Here the main thing is to...

Best time to stay in Playa de Las Americas

Best time to stay in Playa de Las Americas
Tenerife is not at all chance called the island of permafrost, because here is humidity, and the air temperature is completely the same, and throughout...

Nightlife Playa de las Americas

Nightlife Playa de las Americas
Perhaps the most specialized entertainment for all tourists during the holidays in the resort of Las Americas is a tour of Tadeid Volcano. And if suddenly...

What time is it better to go to holiday in Coma-Rough?

What time is it better to go to holiday in Coma-Rough?
Approximately the holiday season in the Spanish resort of Koma-Ruga begins with the middle of spring and continues until the end of October. In this region,...

Rest in Malgrat de Mare: the cost of the flight, travel time, transfer.

Rest in Malgrat de Mare: the cost of the flight, travel time, transfer.
The Spanish resort town of Malgrat de Mar together with its neighbors - Pineda de Mar and Santa Santa, as it were, make up a single sort of resort space....

What is interesting to see Badalon?

What is interesting to see Badalon?
Since the Spanish resort of Badalon is located only in some few kilometers from the capital of Catalonia, the significance of the main number of local...

Rest in Badalon: the cost of the flight, travel time, transfer.

Rest in Badalon: the cost of the flight, travel time, transfer.
The Spanish Badalon Resort is generally very often considered, as part of Barcelona, ​​because this town is located just 10 kilometers from the capital...

What should I see in Brisbane? The most interesting places.

What should I see in Brisbane? The most interesting places.
A little about what you can see and where to go in the luxurious city of Brisbane.Brisbane Art Theater (Brisbane Arts Theater) This is one of the...

What time is it better to rest in Santander?

What time is it better to rest in Santander?
The climate in the Spanish resort of Santander is definitely more due to the influence of the Atlantic Ocean - it is very soft and very wet. It should...