Travel Guide tourist #752

Useful information for those who are going to Calcutta

Useful information for those who are going to Calcutta
In principle, the Calcutta transport system can be said that it is quite well developed - there are all the famous types of public transport - the subway,...

Rest in Agra: the cost of the flight, travel time, transfer.

Rest in Agra: the cost of the flight, travel time, transfer.
To get from Russia to a distant and excellent Agro, you first need to be reached by somehow to the capital of India. Well, from there, you can already...

What excursions worth visiting in Agra?

What excursions worth visiting in Agra?
In addition to the main attractions of Agra, it is necessary to pay attention to the village of Sikanda. Unfortunately, in many guidebooks it is written...

Shopping in Agra. What to buy?

Shopping in Agra. What to buy?
The most important advice for shopping in India, and so that you buy neither - be sure to bargain. In general, for the Hindu bargaining is a kind of sport...

Where can I eat in Kerala?

Where can I eat in Kerala?
You can say about Kerala cuisine with confidence that it developed as a result of the centuries-old influence of various peoples and a variety of religions....

Rest in Kerala: Prices

Rest in Kerala: Prices
Kerala Tourist Center can not be called too expensive place to relax. It is almost always possible to find cheap accommodation, as well as the passage...

Holidays in Dharamsala: How to get there?

Holidays in Dharamsala: How to get there?
As a rule, those tourists who seek to get from Russia to Dharamsal, first of all have to fly to the capital of India of Delhi city, and then from there...

What time is it better to relax in Dharamsale?

What time is it better to relax in Dharamsale?
Theoretically, Dharamsalu can at least visit the whole year. Here every month in essence there are connoisseurs. However, spring and autumn are traditionally...

Which hotel is better to stay in Dharamsala?

Which hotel is better to stay in Dharamsala?
The town of Dharamsala is essentially divided into the lower and top. Many travelers know perfectly well that the main long-distance bus station is located...

The best excursions in Dharamsala.

The best excursions in Dharamsala.
Probably not all travelers know that there are also very interesting places in the vicinity of Dhararasala. For example, the tops are the plateau of the...

Nutrition in Jaipur: Prices where to eat?

Nutrition in Jaipur: Prices where to eat?
We can say about Rajasthansk cuisine that it is one of the most interesting in India. Her difference lies in the fact that it was formed in the desert...

Shopping in Jaipur. What to buy?

Shopping in Jaipur. What to buy?
In Jaipur, will definitely be where even the most avid shopaholiki is raised. The fact is that the whole old part of the city is one solid eastern bazaar,...