Travel Guide tourist #623

Where can I eat in Mahabalipuram?

Where can I eat in Mahabalipuram?
The state of Tamilad, in which the city of Mahabalipuram is located, is famous for its rich kitchen - it is both traditional non-vegetarian and vegetarian...

Best entertainment in Mahabalipuram

Best entertainment in Mahabalipuram
Nevertheless, Mahabalipuram is, first of all, sights. It is not surprising that here comes more often on a day tour, and the main temples and cultural...

Independent holiday in Panama. Tips and recommendations.

Independent holiday in Panama. Tips and recommendations.
Every year, Panama attends about two million tourists from around the world, and their major mass make independent travels, and our compatriots including....

What can I buy in Mahabalipuram?

What can I buy in Mahabalipuram?
Shopping in Mahabalipuram is quite interesting. There are many different workshops, where they are manufactured Stone products : from any elephants to...

Krabi did not impress

Krabi did not impress
I rested to Krabi in early November. The weather is already good, sometimes she was walking, but he quickly ended. As for the island itself, I will begin...

What should you expect from rest in Chennai?

What should you expect from rest in Chennai?
Chennai is a major city in southern India, on the shore of the Bengal Bay. This is the center of the state of Tamilad. And, for a minute, the sixth largest...

What should I see in Chennai?

What should I see in Chennai?
Attractions and interesting places in Chennai, in fact, a lot, although many tourists seemed to do not know about it, preferring to quickly wash off from...

How to take yourself on vacation in Chennai?

How to take yourself on vacation in Chennai?
Beach rest And, above all, it Marina Beach (Marina Beach) . This is the natural city beach Chennai. The beach runs from the Fort of St. George in the north...

Where to stay cheap in Baidayhe?

Where to stay cheap in Baidayhe?
Despite its growing popularity among foreign tourists, Beydayhe Beach Resort still offers travelers a budget vacation option. A trip to this city, like...

Rest in Panama: how to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer.

Rest in Panama: how to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer.
Since Panama is on the American continent, it is clear that you can reach it from Russia or another European state either by sea or by air. I did not specifically...

Unforgettable Week on Krabi

Unforgettable Week on Krabi
Exactly a week rested on Krabi. To say that I fell in love with this resort - it's not to say anything. I liked everything absolutely everything: the sea,...

Where can I eat in Chennai?

Where can I eat in Chennai?
Is it worth saying that in such a huge city, like Chennai, an indispensable number of all sorts of institutions where you can eat and eat a romantic dinner,...