Travel Guide tourist #511

Hurghada ten years later ...

Hurghada ten years later ...
In Hurghad, I was not ten years old and say that during this time the resort scratched and refused - it means not to say anything. First of all, I was...

Salou: Entertainment on vacation

Salou: Entertainment on vacation
Few of tourists falls into Salou unconsciously. Most often the choice in favor of this resort on the Costa Dorada coast makes beach holiday lovers or cheerful...

Features of rest in Pokhara

Features of rest in Pokhara
Pokhara is the second largest city in Nepal, its feature is that it is almost the last point of civilization behind which wild Himalayas starts and most...

Thessaloniki: rest on the seashore and a lot of bright impressions

Thessaloniki: rest on the seashore and a lot of bright impressions
Rest in Greece is an excellent choice for those who like to lie down in the sun and swim in the sea, as well as explore the sights. Greece is full of historical...

Features of rest in Mumbai

Features of rest in Mumbai
India is a specific country, it either like it, or causes shock and no desire to never return there. Everyone is used to that India is only Goa, Indian...

Features of rest in Surabay

Features of rest in Surabay
Surabaya is a city on the northern coast of Java and one of the largest points in Indonesia. Almost 80% of the population-yavans, a few Chinese, as well...

Rest season in Dubai. When is it better to go to Dubai to rest?

Rest season in Dubai. When is it better to go to Dubai to rest?
A trip to any country can turn into real disappointment if it is incorrect to choose the season. The United Arab Emirates are no exception. To enjoy...

How much will their independent holiday in Innsbruck cost?

How much will their independent holiday in Innsbruck cost?
An independent holiday in Innsbruck needs to be planned in advance to avoid additional overpayments. Tickets for the plane and trains can go closer to...

What is interesting to see Surabai?

What is interesting to see Surabai?
Do not underestimate the city of Surabaya. Let him not write about it at all in tourist prospects, and there are not so many informations on the Internet....

Balaton - Hungarian resort with rich history

Balaton - Hungarian resort with rich history
Rest on the coast of the Hungarian Sea, which is so called Magyars Lake Balaton, provide for most excursion tours to Hungary.By the sea, the Balaton is...

What to do on vacation in Krakow? Best entertainment.

What to do on vacation in Krakow? Best entertainment.
There are several dozen in Krakow Cinema . On the territory of the Old Town is somewhat not very large. The huge modern cinemas for 10 and more halls are...

When is it worth going to rest in Surabau?

When is it worth going to rest in Surabau?
Surabaya - a city located close to the equator, and there, a clear case, tropical climate. Thus, in the surabae, the two main seasons are wet and dry,...