Travel Guide tourist #504

Which hotel is better to stay in Yerevan?

Which hotel is better to stay in Yerevan?
The capital of Armenia received a unlawful status among travelers from around the world as "East Paris". It is unknown that in this city provoked such...

Which hotel is better to stop in which?

Which hotel is better to stop in which?
Montenegro Today is, without exaggeration, paradise for tourists. First of all, for our fellow citizens. And the reasons for this several. The first is...

Where to go to La Palma and what to see?

Where to go to La Palma and what to see?
Being on the island of La Palma, you can not only rest well on his beautiful beaches, but also visit a lot of interesting and unique places that will probably...

Which hotel is better to stay in Kyoto?

Which hotel is better to stay in Kyoto?
Kyoto is the ancient capital of Japan. Therefore, this amazing city with a very interesting story must include in the program of exploring the country...

Which hotel is better to stay in Georgiupolis?

Which hotel is better to stay in Georgiupolis?
About the holiday in Crete, with its beautiful beaches and world famous attractions, you can talk endless, because it is an amazing and wonderful edge....

The most interesting places in Alexandria.

The most interesting places in Alexandria.
Alexandria (El Iskander, in Arabic) owned by Alexander Macedonsky, who founded this city. Today it is a full-fledged megalopolis with a population, the...

What time is it better to go to rest in Georgiupolis?

What time is it better to go to rest in Georgiupolis?
Crete always attracts the attention of tourists from around the world, so here, and in particular in Georgiupolis, they can be found at any time of the...

What interesting places should be visited in Aswan?

What interesting places should be visited in Aswan?
British colonialists at one time made Aswan in the winter resort. Famous Writer Agatha Christie Draised here His inspiration for one of the most famous...

Which hotel is better to stay in Fodele?

Which hotel is better to stay in Fodele?
A small village of Fodel, located in the central part of the northern coast of Crete, between Bali and Heraklion, the large selection of hotels can not...

Where is the best rest in Aswan?

Where is the best rest in Aswan?
Aswan is one of the new and promising areas of organized tourism in Egypt. Even our fellow citizens who come to this country for traditional beach holidays...

Which hotel choose to relax in Agie Pelagia?

Which hotel choose to relax in Agie Pelagia?
Cretan resort village Agia Pelagia has a fairly decent choice of facilities for placement during rest. These are mainly complexes with apartments that...

Rest season in Bali. When is it better to go to Bali on vacation?

Rest season in Bali. When is it better to go to Bali on vacation?
Surely, many have heard of the Greek resort of Bali, which is located on the northern coast of Crete Island, and not less than tourists would like to visit...