Travel Guide tourist #492

How to get to Tangier?

How to get to Tangier?
To visit Morocco and not to visit one of the oldest and colorful cities of the state - Tangier, this means not to fully understand the spirit and history...

Which hotel is better to stay in Florence?

Which hotel is better to stay in Florence?
Florence is a city entering the top of the most interesting places of Italy to visit tourists. Attracts them here and special architecture, and many unique...

What money is best to go to Hurghada?

What money is best to go to Hurghada?
Immediately I want to say that if you plan to do not get out of the hotel anywhere and visit excursions only with official guides from the tour operator,...

Food in Seoul: prices, where to eat?

Food in Seoul: prices, where to eat?
Korean cuisine will definitely be pleasantly surprised by the guests of the country of the morning freshness of a unique taste and aroma. It has a high...

Features of recreation in Prague

Features of recreation in Prague
Prague is a small and very cozy European capital of the Czech Republic. It seems to me that Russian tourists are the most frequent guests. It is enough...

Where can I eat on Phuket?

Where can I eat on Phuket?
To begin with, I will tell you about local cuisine. Such a simple dish, like noodles with chicken or pork, is sold in many Phuket stores - for example,...

What time is it better to rest on Paros?

What time is it better to rest on Paros?
Paros recently becomes a fairly popular holiday destination, and tourists can be seen even in winter. Although the concept of winter for this island is...

Where to stay cheap in Kaliningrad?

Where to stay cheap in Kaliningrad?
Kaliningrad or, as he used to be called, Konigsberg has something to surprise, shake and please the traveler. A variety of natural, historical and cultural...

The most interesting places in Yangon.

The most interesting places in Yangon.
Myanmar, she was Burma (old name) for a long time was one of the most closed countries of Southeast Asia due to its political device, and only recently...

When is it worth going to rest in Costa Rica?

When is it worth going to rest in Costa Rica?
Costa Rica is not too popular in the tourist market, so those who want to visit it will arise the main question. And when to fly on vacation?! In fact,...

Where is the best rest for Paros?

Where is the best rest for Paros?
There is a rather small number of hotels and objects for accommodation, but a lot of chic "top" here is not so much, and if you choose from those that...

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Alesundne?

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Alesundne?
Norway - today is not the most popular among our compatriots direction for tourism. And the reason is not that it is not interesting. Just, on the contrary,...