Travel Guide tourist #363

Is it worth going to Aspen?

Is it worth going to Aspen?
Aspen is a thriving ski resort, which refers to prestigious and expensive. In Aspen, four isolated riding zones are united, such as Aspen Highlands, Aspen...

Features of the rest in Nikolaevka

Features of the rest in Nikolaevka
The village of Nikolaevka - does not grow root into the last history of the Crimea. This is a pretty young resort, although he has his own story. It was...

What should I see in Isol?

What should I see in Isol?
Isola is a small picturesque resort village and a port on the Adriatic Sea coast. Isola seemed to be created for family recreation and romantics, held...

Where to go to the Curonian Spit and what to see?

Where to go to the Curonian Spit and what to see?
Curonian Spit, this is the sandy peninsula and the national park at the same time, which separates the Baltic Sea from the Freshwater Curonian Bay. It...

What can I buy in Karlovy Vary?

What can I buy in Karlovy Vary?
Journey to the Czech resort Karlovy Varya Vary by Voiding Shopaholics can extremely please. At the entrance to the city, small shops selling Czech glass...

Paradise in the Siamese Gulf, Koh Chang.

Paradise in the Siamese Gulf, Koh Chang.
For most tourists, Thailand is associated with smiles, sun, bars and stormy nightlife. Fortunately, there are both people who come to this country to maintain...

Rest in Pomorie is wonderful - healthy and filled with positive.

Rest in Pomorie is wonderful - healthy and filled with positive.
Resting in Pomorie is a solid pleasure. I have never met the disgruntled tourists here - only joyful bright faces, harsh and happy, on this unique Bulgarian...

What is Iceland attracting tourists?

What is Iceland attracting tourists?
Iceland is an island state that is located in the north of the Atlantic Ocean. In general, the country's territory is the island and several islands located...

What should you expect from the rest in Vietnam?

What should you expect from the rest in Vietnam?
From the dizzying beauty of the rice valley of the Sapa in the north of Vietnam, to the densely populated delta of the Mekong River in the south, Vietnam...

Holidays in Adler

Holidays in Adler
Rested in Adler in July 2013, rest was remembered for a long time. I know that renting accommodation in the city is expensive, but lucky to have friends...

Village adventure Hachipsh

Village adventure Hachipsh
When I went to the former Lesilidze to recover, the empty house was removed in advance and grabbed a girlfriend. As well as a bike, kayak. I remembered...

What entertainment is in Lviv?

What entertainment is in Lviv?
In Lviv, entertainment is found simply outside: it is necessary to chat with tourists from other cities, countries, find new acquaintances and learn interesting...