Travel Guide tourist #319

What should I see in Liepaja?

What should I see in Liepaja?
Liepaja will charm you with its provincial charm as soon as you step on his land. But, do not think that it is so simple as it may seem to you at first...

What interesting places worth visiting in St. Petersburg?

What interesting places worth visiting in St. Petersburg?
I think for any person, a trip to St. Petersburg is a sign. Beautiful, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, with the richest history - he does...

Features of recreation in Edinburgh

Features of recreation in Edinburgh
The capital of Scotland, the second most popular city of the country, which is more like a fabulous town with an amazing castle. The charm of architectural...

What is worth viewing in Druskininka?

What is worth viewing in Druskininka?
This town is located on the border with Belorussia and Poland, 130 km from Vilnius. This is one of the oldest resorts of the country. By the way, it...

Why is it worth going to Daugavpils?

Why is it worth going to Daugavpils?
Daugavpils, it is worth visiting at least because it is the second largest city of Latvia. The foundation date of the city is considered to be 1275, and...

Why is it worth going to Druskininkai?

Why is it worth going to Druskininkai?
Why Druskininkai? This question can only ask a person who is absolutely unfamiliar with Lithuania and its resorts. Druskininkai, is the oldest, largest...

Is it worth going to tragedies?

Is it worth going to tragedies?
I want to note right away that tragedies are a small resort village. This is not a prestigious resort, where there are all imaginable and not conceivable...

What interesting places worth visiting in Pattaya?

What interesting places worth visiting in Pattaya?
Pattaya is one of the most famous and popular Thai resorts. Besides the fact that it is the most affordable price, he is also the most noisy and cheerful...

What are the interesting places worth visiting in Šiauliai?

What are the interesting places worth visiting in Šiauliai?
Siauliai is located in the north of Lithuania. And this is the fourth country in the country. Located this city is 140 km from Kaunas. The territory...

What excursions to choose in Limassol?

What excursions to choose in Limassol?
The most interesting, in my opinion, an excursion from Limassol, which is necessary to visit, called the "Heart of Trodos". It is organized with small...

Useful information about the holiday in Grüprip.

Useful information about the holiday in Grüprip.
Pretty much, I have been reading negative reviews about the holiday in Hachrip. I would like to dispel at least a little given negative. The thing is that...

The most interesting places in Valletta.

The most interesting places in Valletta.
Malta's Solitz, Valletta, of course, a very beautiful city. Beautiful and majestic. City of stairs, city with luxurious views. In Vallette, plenty of architectural...