Travel Guide tourist #198

Where is the best rest in Belek?

Where is the best rest in Belek?
Hotel Base in Belek Travelers who come to relax in Belek are naturally stopped in the hotels of the resort. It is worth noting that since Belek is one...

The most interesting places in Bergamo.

The most interesting places in Bergamo.
Historians believe that the city founded ligures and called him originally Barra, then the city won the Romans and changed the name on Bergummum. However,...

Food in Glasgow: prices, where to eat?

Food in Glasgow: prices, where to eat?
Glasgow offers a sufficient number of budget restaurants and bistro. Here are a few places where you can have a cheap snack."THE BANANA LEAF" (76 OLD DUMBARTON...

Food in Bergamo: prices where to eat?

Food in Bergamo: prices where to eat?
In the old town of Bergamo a lot of their secrets, and one of these secrets is local cuisine and pastries in particular. Arriving here, no one will remain...

Rest in Kuta: Where to stay better?

Rest in Kuta: Where to stay better?
Kuta is noise, saturated nightlife and crowds of tourists There are no Balinese silence and peace, there are not very clean beaches and permanent waves....

Where is best to stay in Luang Prabander?

Where is best to stay in Luang Prabander?
If you are planning to travel on the Laos yourself and stop at the very visited city of Luang Prabanga, the very visited city of Luang Prabander, it may...

Best time to relax in Bergamo

Best time to relax in Bergamo
Bergamo is located in the north of Italy in the Lombardy region. The city is located at the foot of the Alps, in the valley of the software river. More...

Nightlife Glasgow

Nightlife Glasgow
There is no doubt that the nightlife of Glasgow is quite lively and cheering. Here, where you can go to the Glasgow in the evening."THE CATHOUSE" (15 Union...

Why is it worth going to Deauville?

Why is it worth going to Deauville?
In order to feel the spirit of life Dovivil You need to plunge into the history of this town. I want to tell you about the emergence of this resort In...

What should you expect from rest in Elunda?

What should you expect from rest in Elunda?
Elunda is considered to be the most prestigious and most fashionable resort of Crete. In Elunda, there is no such thing as a budgetary recreation, since...

The most interesting excursions in Glasgow.

The most interesting excursions in Glasgow.
If you go to Glasgow, you can advise you to take a tour and explore the city, and the surroundings are more slow. Of course, all of the same attractions...

Features of rest in La Roman

Features of rest in La Roman
La Romana is a small resort town. The population of La novels consists of one hundred thousand Aborigines. At this resort, they are going primarily for...