Travel Guide tourist #148

What is worth viewing in Anamura?

What is worth viewing in Anamura?
Anamour town, though small, but with a rather interesting story, which has more than thirty-centuries. Founded by the Phoenicians, at different times the...

Is it worth going with children to rest in Sochi?

Is it worth going with children to rest in Sochi?
Sochi is a resort for any generation of people. There may be a pleasant experience and pensioners for themselves, and a large company of young guys and...

What should I see in Forte-dei Marmi?

What should I see in Forte-dei Marmi?
The small Italian town of Forte Dei Marmi can rightly be considered the pearl of the Tuscan Riviera. His wonderful location between the Apuan Alps and...

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Palermo?

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Palermo?
If you want to make an inexpensive trip to Palermo, then, by and large, this is a completely real plan. Tickets There are not the cheapest - from 170 euros...

What can I buy in Forte-dei Marmi?

What can I buy in Forte-dei Marmi?
Being a town of rich and famous, Forte dei Marmi is simply filled with expensive boutiques. Yes, and taking into account the prosperity of tourists who...

What is worth viewing in Palermo?

What is worth viewing in Palermo?
Palermo is a sunny Sicilian town with a long and rich history. In Palermo, you can see the dome of mosques and monumental churches, and the Carthage columns...

Is it worth going to Novoazovsk?

Is it worth going to Novoazovsk?
Krasava Novoazovsk is located right on the shore of the Azov Sea, the crowds of vacationers go here every year. These are families with children, people...

Useful information about the holiday in Antwerp.

Useful information about the holiday in Antwerp.
Making a tour of the countries of Benilyuks, it is almost impossible not to visit the second largest port city of the old woman in Europe - Antwerp. The...

Where to go in Padua and what to see?

Where to go in Padua and what to see?
Padua is the most beautiful city of Italy, and there is a number of attractions that you should see.Basilica of Saint Justina (Basilica Di Santa Giustina) The...

Scammers on Sri Lanka. What to beware and how to behave.

Scammers on Sri Lanka. What to beware and how to behave.
As in any state, Sri Lanka has its own characteristics regarding the deception of tourists and fraud against tourists. But, if for example, in Europe,...

When is it better to rest in Novoazovsk?

When is it better to rest in Novoazovsk?
As at all resorts of the Sea of ​​Azov, in Novoazovsk, it is best to rest in seasonal time. That is, from May to September. It is at that time here the...

How much will rest in Novoazovsk cost?

How much will rest in Novoazovsk cost?
The minimum cost of the room in Novoazovsk is 50 hryvnia per person per day, in season, and that if you are lucky to find. If you are not lucky, then...