Travel Guide tourist #114

What excursions worth visiting in Sofia?

What excursions worth visiting in Sofia?
City tourIs it possible to get acquainted with the city more fully than having been walking on it? Obviously, no.It is worth only to dress, respectively,...

Is it worth going to Slairem Moldova?

Is it worth going to Slairem Moldova?
Salnik Moldova is a popular and well-known resort not only to citizens of Romania, but also many countries of Europe. In addition, there is no rare here...

Nightlife Aachen

Nightlife Aachen
Aachen is a beautiful city, not the biggest in Germany, but not the smallest. If it seems to you that there is no nightlife there, then you are probably...

Climate resort Arose

Climate resort Arose
For me, Arza is the calm and sunny place in all Switzerland. This town is located in the Gelubyunden Valley, east of the Kura. There are three chic mountain...

Is it worth going to Narbon?

Is it worth going to Narbon?
Narbon (there is still Narbonne) - a small, but charming town on the southern coast of France. It is just 12 kilometers from the coast of the Mediterranean...

Useful information about rest in Aachen.

Useful information about rest in Aachen.
In addition to the wonderful antique cathedrals and churches, interesting museums and restaurants, Aachen is famous for its Mineral sources. In general,...

Rest in Xiamen: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer.

Rest in Xiamen: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer.
Gaocin International Airport, which is 10 kilometers from Xiamen city, is one of the largest in the PRC, leaving the palm of the championship only to Peking,...

Visa Registration in Australia

Visa Registration in Australia
In addition to the Australian Embassy in Moscow, there are also consulates in St. Petersburg and Vladivostok.Australian visa is relatively difficult to...

What should I look at Hershade?

What should I look at Hershade?
Hershad (Herscheid) - Commune in Germany, in the ground North Rhine - Westphalia, an hour from Cologne. In general, this is not too famous city, although...

Features of the holiday in Hoyan

Features of the holiday in Hoyan
Hoian Museum City, namely, Many call him, is located on the coast of the South China Sea, and until recently he has not been in demand from Russian tourists,...

Holidays in Dominican Republic: The best resorts

Holidays in Dominican Republic: The best resorts
Dominican Republic refers to the group of Antille Islands and is located in the Caribbean region. Recently, more and more tourists from Russia are chosen...

Where can I eat in Hershade?

Where can I eat in Hershade?
Straight, restaurants in Hershada little. But they still have. So, where to go dinner in this glorious town.Konditorei Cafe Sirringhaus (Ludenscheider...