Belogorsk is a city that is worth visiting.


Recently came from Crimea. In the town with the beautiful name Belogorsk hit the passage. What can I say about the city, it is convenient enough, about 40 minutes by route bus from Simferopol or about 1 hour from Sudak. Climb buses walk with an interval of 1 hour. The infrastructure of the city is sufficiently developed,

Belogorsk is a city that is worth visiting. 9992_1

There are shops and shopping centers, pharmacies, market, cinema, playgrounds, the housing of the problems will not arise, although there are no such diversity in the choice, as in the resort villages and cities of Crimea (most likely because the city is located in the center of Crimea and the sea very far). But, to find what to see and where to spend interesting time in Belogorsk will not be difficult. Right at the entrance to the city you can see a unique nature of nature and the greatness of the Nature Memo - a white rock (it was here that the films "Code of the Apocalypse", "Man with Capuchin Boulevard") were held here, "

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At sunset and at sunrise from the cliff opens just amazing beauty view. Right at the foot is located coniferma,

Belogorsk is a city that is worth visiting. 9992_3

Where you can ride on beautiful horses or order a big horseback riding to the huge Suvorov oak, which is about 400 years old.

Belogorsk is a city that is worth visiting. 9992_4

Immediately make a reservation that it is still a steppe Crimea and its nature can not be compared with the nature of the skirt. In the city itself, you can walk with children in the Park of Culture and Leisure, where the kids are ride on the attractions, and parents will be able to relax in the shade of trees. Another, probably the most visited, attraction - Lviv Park.

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About 60 lions live on a huge territory

Belogorsk is a city that is worth visiting. 9992_6

They can be viewed and photographed by passing around the bridges right above the territory of the park, feeling indescribable!

Belogorsk is a city that is worth visiting. 9992_7

In Belogorsk, you can see an excellent architectural monument of history - the ruins of the caravan-shed Tash -han.

Belogorsk is a city that is worth visiting. 9992_8

There are many cafes, grocery stores and supermarkets, there are tablet, so you will not have problems with food! In general, the city had pleasant impressions (it is quite green and clean, and the locals are very sociable and friendly), but since I have the Crimea still associated not only with the mountains, but also with the sea, I prefer to stop in the immediate rest proximity to the sea.

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