What is interesting to see Ahtopol?


Ahtopol (someone says Ahtopol) - the most southern seaside resort of the country, which stands on the rocky peninsula near Strandja Mountain. Yes, and to Turkey from Ahtopol hand to file. In addition, it is one of the most ancient cities in Bulgaria.

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The names of their own he changed like gloves. It was peronticus, then Agatopolis (I mean, "the city of happiness"). In the 14th century and achtenball thanks to the Turks. The city without end was plundered, burned and tuned, so the old buildings in Akhtleopol almost did not remain. It's a pity!

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It is very calm and quiet, and, at the same time, one of the most environmentally friendly in Europe. And here is very, very sunny. And the water is warm here at the shore, warmer than many other coast resorts (25 degrees). Ahtopol beaches are very beautiful, golden, two-kilometer.

If you suddenly grab the beach, go to admire local attractions.

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Church of Ascension Christ

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This church stands on the steep coast. When the temple was built - unknown. It is assumed that at the end of the 18th century - at least this date wrote in Greek in the apse (the protrusion of the building). But, perhaps, this date indicates construction, and to paint the structure. It is also assumed that the temple was built on the ruins of another ancient medieval temple. The church is small, rectangular, dimensions of 17x7 meters and a height of about 2.5 meters. The meter walls are made of stones, not very even, between the nimberies from the tree. Looks pretty. Upstairs - tiled roof. From the east to the building "sewn" the semicircular apse, only her somehow immediately and do not see. And in general, the church is similar to the usual residential building, that's just a cross upstairs. What is interesting, the temple is half a meter in the ground - so all the churches were built during the times of Ottoman rule. The windows are only two, under the roof itself. Inside, you can see ancient frescoes, and the saints on these frescoes are written in all canons of Byzantine icon painting. By the way, in the 18th year of the last century, the town embraced the flame, many buildings were burned down. But this church survived. So, this is the practical only copy of the architecture before the beginning of the 20th century.

Silkosia Reserve

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This area of ​​Strandja Mountains became the reserve in 1933. The park stretches at an altitude of 100- 300 m above sea level. This zone is protected, because there grows a large number of rare plants and old trees (some of 200 years). Trees on the slopes - oaks, beech, maples, pears, well, and others with terrible names, such as the wolfriter. A lot in rowan park, and, too, a different look. Somewhere in the grass is crawling rare protected types of turtles - Balkan and Mediterranean. Naturally, foxes, cunits, cables, birds. In general, a good such beautiful reserve. For tourists, special trails are laid here, however, just so there you will not fall there, this is a reserve.

Park "Strandja"

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The southern border of this natural park coincides with the border of Bulgaria and Turkey. By the way, this is the largest protected park in the country, its area is huge. In the east park and at all "Dopolz" to the shores of the sea. Park this forest was officially official 15 years ago. Actually, Silkosia is part of the "Strandji", exactly as the other 4 reserves. The uniqueness of this part is that 64 types of relict plants and animals grow and live. That is, only here they can be found. And all, because the climate here is pleasant and the lands are rich. Some trees in a pair of 500 years old (in particular, it is Oak Gatvis with a barrel diameter of 2 meters).

On the territory of Park - 14 specially protected areas, as well as villages that are famous for their amazing traditions. For example, in some villages there are vintage traditional nesternar dances, dancing on hot coals dance.

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This dance is known since pagan times, and it was even listed in the lists of UNESCO World Intangible Heritage. If you want to look at this dance live, come to the village of Magari, Bodilovo or bones (in certain dates, in May or June) - there and see. These villages are relatively close to Ahtopol.

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What is interesting to see Ahtopol? 9985_9

Also, the park zone contains a couple of interesting historical towns. For example, close to the village of Stoilovo there is Petrov Niva with a memorial in memory of those who died during the Ilden-Preobrazhensky uprising 1903

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, Chapel-Koznitsa (on the bones, mean) of the Holy Petka and the Museum. And not far from the town of Malco-Tarnovo, which is an hour from Akhtopol, you can see an amazing Thracian tomb. There is still a historic museum there.

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All that the ancient was found on this territory were demolished in this museum. The museum is located in four buildings, the former houses of local merchants. Total in the Museum of 6 exhibitions. Especially interesting to see here on the icons of the Judgian masters. And there are interesting museum entertainment, such as the room in which it seems that you are in the gloomy forest of Strands. And, on the coals here, too, in the hall "Intangible Heritage Strandji".

In general, these small villages - themselves are very interesting, with an old architecture. So, you can simply highlight the day and ride on them.

And beach lovers can advise to relax, as they say, to the roots of the hair on the nudist beach of Akhtopol. Everyone knows about him and even specially go here. And all because it is very picturesque, and what did you think? :) There are no chasonnels, nor umbrellas, no bars with soft drinks. Take it with you. There is a beach in the north of the city.

Here is such a cool town. By the way, the most cheapest, compared to other resorts of Bulgaria. And not very famous among tourists. Moreover, our compatriots. Here the Bulgarians themselves go here. So, and Russian-speaking workers are not enough. Anyway, it's very good here, clean, calm, fresh and nice!

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