Why do tourists choose Glasgow?


The largest Scottish city of Glasgow is a great place for holidays or a short weekend. Center for art, venue of the most interesting festivals, rich historical heritage, many cultural institutions, all this city is ready to offer tourists. The city is located on the North-West British coast, 32 kilometers from the mouth of the Klade River. There are a huge number of parks in the city, which are about 70 and green plantings, among which pines and larches prevail, and in the reserves, fossil stumps of sigilaries belonging to the coal period are preserved.

Why do tourists choose Glasgow? 9984_1

Glasgow is considered to be Tremat, after London and Birmingham, in terms of population in the UK. The city itself was founded in the middle of the 6th century, and in middle ages, Glasgow was a fairly important educational and religious center of Scotland. In the 18th century, the revolution made the city with one of the most important industrial centers of the country, especially in the shipbuilding sphere. In the subsequent century, the economy of the city took an amazing scale, making Glasgow the second after London in importance in the whole empire.

But after the experience of the crisis from 1920 to 1970, the population has sharply decreased in Glasgow and the standard of living has significantly decreased. City authorities have created a program on the revival of the city, its cultural and economic indicators. The program soon gave its results and the city again bloomed.

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The city has a greatly developed transport network, here you can drive on buses, trains, trams, so moving around the city to tourists is quite convenient. After all, almost all the sights of the city are literally scattered throughout its territory, and not only focusing in the historic center of Glasgow. The city is divided into several districts: Merchant City, West-and East and End, as well as the southern and northern regions of the city.

Merchant City is known for neoclassical specials that were renovated, as well as expensive shops, restaurants and cafes, because the word Merchant, in the literal sense of the word, means trade. The city center is considered to be Glasgog-Cross, where five main urban streets intersect. In the center of the square rises tower Tolbut, part of the old municipality of Glasgow.

The business district is the place of concentrating financial institutions, and is one of the largest business centers of the country.

West end is a very noisy part of the city, where expensive boutiques, restaurants, clubs and hotels of Glasgow are located. Here is the main attraction of the city - the University of Glasgow, as well as Kelvingrove Park, Air Force Headquarters, Botanical Gardens and other interesting places to visit tourists.

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East End contains historical monuments of Glasgow, so lovers of historical monuments and architectural structures are better to go right away. City Cemetery, Trone-Stip's Clock Tower, St. Mungo Cathedral, and so on.

The southern part has golf clubs, large parks, as well as the famous barrel gallery, which is clearly worth visiting.

But the northern part of the city is considered the place of residence of the poorest segments of the population. In social terms, this part of the city is the most problematic in the Scottish part, and absolutely in all life directions. Therefore, tourists here are better not to get out, especially single tourists.

Glasgow is an amazing place, especially here bridges that attach additional flavor to the city. Suspended, arched, guy, a variety of types divide the city into two parts. The strlinies are bridges that were built in the middle of the 19th century - the bridge of St. Andrei and Victoria Bridge, as well as a bridge on Saus-Portland Street. Very beautiful is the Clyde Arc bridge, an arched bridge, built in 2006.

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The city was proclaimed by the cultural capital of Europe in 1990, because the cultural life of Glasgow is very diverse. Scottish opera, the Royal Scottish National Orchestra, National Theater of Scotland, National Youth Theater of Scotland, and other places are a distinctive feature of the cultural life development of the city and the entire Scottish part of the UK. Moreover, various festivals are held on the territory of Glasgow, which are very colorful and fun, as well as especially popular in tourist terms. For example, the International Jazz Festival, which is held in June; or Celtic Music Festival - Celtic Connections, passing in January; The largest festival is the West End Festival, which also takes place in June - includes performances of street theaters, procession around the city, as well as dance and musical events.

Tourists are very interesting to the amazing parks of the city. Among them, founded in the 19th century, Kelvinguroów Park is a unique sample of landscape design, and made in Victorian style.

Why do tourists choose Glasgow? 9984_5

Not only travelers and tourists are resting here, but also townspeople, spending time and romantic sites in the park. Botanical Gardens of Glasgow, which also belong to the 19th century. They are among the top ten city attractions, and not in vain. Rare plant species, Tpliza with beautiful orchids, all this is quite attractive for tourists. There is a unique glass greenhouse of the 19th century - the palace of the cobblestone, as well as the Kibble Palace - Orangery, in which excellent sculptures that keep the past of this garden are preserved. Tourists can have a great time in the parks of the city, the oldest of which is Glasgow Green, which is located on the north bank of Clyde. It is not only a great place for walking, and cultural urban events are also held here, like festivals and holidays with fireworks. In addition, in the very park there is historical sights, such as the monument of Admiral Nelson, Templton carpet factory, suspension Bridge of St. Andrew, and so on.

Glasgow A unique Scottish city, which is a place to focus a huge number of tourist interesting places to visit. Gardens, parks, monuments, cultural places, all this manitis tourists, fascinates, and introduces them with amazing stories.

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