Cassandra: Useful information for tourists


Cassandra very places to a great stay. There was no two times here, so much already know and I can share information.

Where to go to Cassandra? Areas and towns are very much along the entire coast of the Aegean Sea. The most popular of them Neo Califa, Neo Callicracy and Hanioti. Califa is known for many nightclubs and discos. Young, active tourists prefer her. In neo Kallicracy, excellent sandy beaches marked with a blue flag, which is a confirmation of purity and sea water and the beach itself. Water in the Aegean Sea is clean everywhere, but the beaches are more often small pebbles. Hanimiotic village of Slanged and the presence of good beaches, hotels, as well as nightclubs. Tourists come here from different countries, a lot of holidaymakers from Serbia. They are here all huge families.

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How to choose a hotel? When choosing a hotel, you must guide what you want to get. We need good apartments, service, your own massage room, the beach and other benefits of civilization - take five stars. If you want to spend most of the time at sea, travel around the country, then enough hotels with categories 3 and 4 stars. These hotel have standard rooms with everything you need for rest. There is your own bathroom, hairdryer, individual air conditioning, safe. Just rooms are simpler from the point of view of design, the area can have a smaller hotel. Although there are very few hotels in Greece with a large territory. The same applies to the pool area. According to sanitary standards, the country is not allowed to have large and deep pools. They are five stars, which is three small. Often there are no hotels on their beaches. For the first time, I was somewhat frightened by this message from the Agency from travel agency. But my friends, who live in Greece for a long time, reassured, saying that the city beach was not worse than the hotel. And really. You can choose any place for a beach holiday, in any village, at least every day to discover new places, of course, if you are on the car. I rested in Hanioti. Municipal beach I liked more. It is clean, well-groomed, and the main entrance to the sea is not as rocky, like the hotel's beach (there was an experience of relaxing in the Elin Hotel Apolamar, 5+ stars).

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On the beach you can rent a boat, catamaran, ride a scooter, boat. There are many different bars. The chaise lounge and an umbrella can be leased, you can buy an umbrella. On the day the cost of the chaise lounger is 1 euro.

What personnel in hotels? In hotels, there are a lot of Russian-speaking, because most of those workers are seasonal workers from Moldova. We met a pleasant woman, she from Baku, now lives in Greece. Invited to visit. My friends come from Georgia and Georgians in the villages. Therefore, at the hotel and in the city you can safely communicate in Russian.

Each hotel has internet, Wi-Fi area. In addition, in the village, many Internet cafes. In them, most of the time holds the local population. This is a kind of place of rest and communication. By the way, the locals, mostly men, often come to the territory of hotels in Bars. Like you or not, but the entrance is free. We behave adequately, no oblique looks, but apparently get acquainted not against. Give a reason - get acquainted. Therefore, in principle, resting the lady one here is safe. At the expense of the culture of the local population. No trader will not call you and pull hands. In Greece, no one does this. Welcome - go to the store ourselves.

As for theft in the hotel and on the beach. There were no such situations with me. But in one visit, one tourist from the hotel disappeared money. Here, in addition to Moldovan, Albanians often work. I can not say anything bad about them, but in the case the disappearance of money, accused of the representative of Albania.

Do you need to leave tips? Nobody asks for the hotel. If you are satisfied with the quality of service, cleaning the room, you can leave several euros maid before the day of departure. In cafes and restaurants it is customary to leave 10% of the cost of your order, and also leave 1-2 euro to the tourist bus driver.

Where to go, being on vacation in Cassandra? The directions of excursion routes from Cassandra are a lot. The farthest tours to Athens, Dion to Mount Olympus, Paralya-Katerini for a fur coat or to the castor. Closer to all of the major cities, famous for the ancient history, famous architectures and cultural monuments - Thessaloniki. If you are interested in pilgrimage tours, then you need to go to Meteor or Athos. Meteor at 5 o'clock bus ride, Athos - in an hour. Many and entertainment tours, coarse tours. If you can relax in Neo Callicracy, then you do not need to go behind the fur coat. This city also consider "furious paradise" and here prices are somewhat lower than in the promoted cities of Castoria and Paralia-Katerini.

As regards the weather, there were rains on the days of arrival. They passed quickly and then again the sun.

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In general, rest in Cassandra has always been held on a positive. Friendly residents, excellent sea, wonderful beaches, good service, saturated excursion programs - everything is there. Not a gift they say that everything is in Greece. You can add this expression - there is everything for an excellent pastime.

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