What interesting places should be visited in Suzdal?


Suzdal is an amazing town. Here is the story at every step. The way it is. The city is an original Russian with preserved monuments of the ancient Russian architecture. Magnificent museums that store exhibits dated 17-19 centuries. In the city, all "saturated" history. Trips here - this is a kind of excursion in the past Rus. Suzdal is considered to be the most significant city from those that are included in the so-called "Golden Ring of Russia".

The city attracts attention not only to compatriots, but also foreign tourists, where you can find a lot here. They come organized tourist groups.

I love to go to Suzdal regardless of the year. In the summer, here, of course, it is better, but in the winter the city does not die. In February, they spend a very large-scale holiday of Maslenitsa, Russian walking, songs, dances, goose fights. As pleasant after winter walks, look into the Suzdal "Cellar", to enjoy hot dumplings, which, without fail, are preparing in pots, and taste honeycomb.

The most icing attractions of the town are located in its very center. Mostly, they are all directly connected with the temples and churches, and there are plenty of them. If you go from Ivanovo, but the first on the way will be the Efimiyev monastery of the 14th century buildings with extended strengtheing walls of red bricks. Here is a magnificent belfry. Do not miss such an opportunity and listen to the music that the vintage bells sing. The cost of tickets for adults 350 rubles, schoolchildren - 150. There is still a prison castle on the territory of the monastery, where those who did not share the royal authorities were contained in the sturdes, museums in which you can see household items, historical costume, as well as finds, which were found by archaeologists on the territory of Suzdal and nearby villages.

Then it is worth driving closer to the center. If you are traveling by car, it is better to leave it away from the center. Parking in the center is paid, and traveling by car for this city - a bad tone. Here you need to look carefully, look at, taking pictures.

No less famous in the city of Living Courtyard on the main square. Here are trading rows. The same buildings were preserved in Yaroslavl, Kostroma. Now there are shops - grocery, souvenirs. Immediately on the square a huge number of retailers. On their trays, you can find magnets, shoes, spoons, bells and many other little things that we all buy and they remind a great trip to the glorious city of Suzdal. Immediately on the square there is another temple - the Resurrection Church. Square and this temple, as well as other buildings, we all saw in the film "Marriage Balzaminova". The film was filmed here.

If you go further from the square, then you can find many antique shops on the way, as well as a very remarkable selection or a street, on which, like a fairy tale, a miracle oven, a nestling and many other heroes are. Here trades handmade products. Very beautiful blankets made in patchwork technique.

What interesting places should be visited in Suzdal? 9979_1

Then the way lies to the Kremlin and the Christmas Cathedral, which you will learn along the big blue domes.

What interesting places should be visited in Suzdal? 9979_2

Not far from the cathedral another church. She is wooden. It has a wooden architecture museum.

What interesting places should be visited in Suzdal? 9979_3

A lot of exposures are open in the Kremlin. If you are traveling with children of school age, be sure to go to the museum. Here, the history of Russia is open to perception of personch, thanks to the preserved valuable manuscripts, paintings, icons, interior items, costumes. On the territory of the Kremlin, you can walk for free, and a ticket for visiting different exposures - 200 rubles. If there is a desire, you can still pay guide services, but this is provided that you are driving a group. Then still make a small discount.

In one day, to bypass all the sights Let the small town simply impossible. Of course, if you have an organized tour, then you can, only everything is very fast, compressed. Therefore, if there is an opportunity, come here yourself and walk, look. So traveling in historical cities is much more interesting and more pleasant.

To stay in Suzdal is where. Now there are a lot of guest houses, there is also a Sovdepovsky hotel such as the center. All rooms in the center are expensive. More budgetary holidays will be in hotels located in residential areas closer to the outskirts. To the center to go from there a maximum of 10-15 minutes. Many ads for the delivery of housing, so no roof over your head.

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