What interesting places worth visiting in Biala?


The city of Byala, as it were, shares the Northern and South Black Sea, well, that is, standing on the border.

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People lived on Mete Biala Well, very long ago, even before our era, and that was the Hellensky colony. Then there were Turks-Ottomans. And only about 30 years ago, Biala finally acquired the status of the city. The place is quite picturesque. Self here come from other neighboring cities to ride a jeep or quad bike in the vicinity of the Biala, the good, everything is equipped with everything.

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Yes, and in general, sports lovers here very much. There is also an underwater hunt for rocks, and fishing, and surfing, and hunting (if there is a license), and aquabay, and everything else. And people come here to diverge, as the sea air is very beneficial affects the respiratory tract. Yes, and on everything else. Plus gorgeous beaches with rocky shores (by the way, not very crowded), cozy coves and dense forests.

And in the Biala grown grapes and make wine, for example, diminished. Evaluate the work of the Bialsk Winework (sounds like!). And in general, the normal one of the town of Byala, all you need to tourist, there are shops, restaurants, and markets, and beaches, and bars.

What interesting places worth visiting in Biala? 9971_3

Historic attractions in the Biala are not so much, in contrast to natural. But what came to this day deserves attention.

Ruins of the fortress on the cass. Atanasa

What interesting places worth visiting in Biala? 9971_4

Late Anthan Fortress is one of the most mysterious places of Biala. It is indispensable and expanded and studying, right since the end of the 19th century. As a result, scientists came to the opinion that the fortress arose almost immediately after people settled in the area. White limestone fortress is built from a bizarre shape of the stones and was designed to protect a small settlement. In the same area, archaeologists have found part of the oldest anchors of ships, from wood and stone. Just amazing!

What interesting places worth visiting in Biala? 9971_5

All these exhibits can be viewed at the White Rocks Exhibition Center ("Beliti Rocky").

Also on the territory of the fortress found the golden ring of the 6th century BC, which decorates an accurate copy of the rotunda in Jerusalem (such a). The existence of this decoration was even mentioned in the literature, and it is supposed to believe that it was made solely in the workshops of the emperor in Constantinople.

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Perhaps this feature was a gift to the local bishop. And they found this feature in the ruins of the house where the bishop lived. In general, the place in every sense is amazing. Funds from the European Fund, as well as work, are maintained on the excavation, as well as work is supported by the Government of Bulgaria. So, maybe something else will be found soon.

White rocks

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What interesting places worth visiting in Biala? 9971_8

This is just the same natural value. These mountains stretch on the outskirts of the Biala and are part of the White Rocks Reserve. Mountains are limestone (therefore white) mountain range, which found and described the first time Australian geologist. After that, the city authorities of the Biala immediately began to invest the project dedicated to these mountains. Since 2001, the rocks are a reserve. It can even be read about it on the central square of the city on the information booth. Well, to go there it does not hurt. These rocks, according to scientists, stand here so long ago that they have seen even dinosaurs. Actually, their remains and found in these mountains. So, according to them, you can judge how our land developed. What else interesting in these rocks is an ancient strengthening shaft dated to the end of the 7th century and the ruins of the Roman fortress.

Church of the Assumption of the Virgin

What interesting places worth visiting in Biala? 9971_9

The Orthodox Temple was built in 1876. There is a legend that when the illumination of the temple was to occur, the Turks decided to attack the town and destroy the church before they were clarified. And suddenly began a snowstorm. The Turks judged that this is a divine sign over, and that it is not worth planted on the Bialsky brazhot. This is how the church did not touch and illuminated safely. The church worked before the early 1980s, but by that time it looked pretty sadly, since there was not enough funds for the restoration. Only by 2003 the Special Foundation collected funds for reconstruction. Moreover, local residents sacrificed. And the reconstruction was that the old church was demolished, and on the foundation they built a new church from bricks and stone blocks of the old church. So, both new and old. Today, the church with the bell tower attracts many tourists. The church looks elegant and simple. Inside you can see carved wooden iconostasis, several icons and wall murals.

These are the beauties of the little Biala. By the way, to say, many of the Biala seems too much dreary. Live here a little more than 2 thousand people of the local population. There are, of course, tourists, yes. Well, those who want to unity with nature and alone scouring, but really, there is very quiet. So, look for yourself. Young people who are in dire need of adventures and acute sensations, hardly here. Well, or drive into a nearby review in a large club (1 ride minutes). In Biala, there is another cinema for 1200 seats. But still. I also read that the Biala-favorite place of recreation of scientists, specialists in theoretical physics. Hehe, then it and it!

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