What can be seen during an excursion to sugar?


Excursion to Sugar is certainly the most popular in Tunisia. Her program is the same for all tour operators, since the Tunisian Ministry of Tourism has rigidly regulates all tourist activities. This excursion is interesting because in two days you will have the opportunity to drive two thirds of this country, because the length of the route is more than 1200 km. Next, I will tell you briefly about what can be seen in these two days.

The excursion began at 6 am from Hammamet. In the bus, the Guide explained that the program is designed so that the bus makes stops every two or three hours, in order not to tire strongly.

Our first stop occurred in the city of Kairun, which is famous for its mosque and masters for the manufacture of nodule carpets. Muslims believe that seven hajans in the Kairuan mosque replaces one hajj in Mecca.

What can be seen during an excursion to sugar? 9970_1

In the mosque itself, tourists are not allowed, but we had the opportunity to take pictures of her courtyard from the roof of the souvenir shop. By the way, the souvenirs in Kairian are the cheapest in Tunisia (at least cheaper than in Medina Hammamet). They are sold at fixed prices. The shop has a good selection of leather goods: bags, belts, wallets. If you arrived in Tunisia for shopping, then take more money on the road. On the second floor of the store trading with carpets, they all handmade and stand very expensive (for a small silk rug asked 500 dollars).

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Having been in Kairian about an hour, we moved on. Landscapes outside the window begin to change, vegetation becomes less and less. The next stop was technical - in the town of Jelma. We had the opportunity to have a snack in a local cafe. The cost of souvenirs in Jelle is much higher than in Kairian, so we did not regret what they missed exactly there.

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What can be seen during an excursion to sugar? 9970_4

Menu in a cafe in Russian and English. First pay, then you get an order

We are going on the bus until the next stop in the city of Metlaui, where we were waiting for lunch. Lunch was modest, besides drinks for a fee. Prices are overestimated, but it's good that we got stuck with water in Hammamet.

What can be seen during an excursion to sugar? 9970_5

Further, our way was lying to the city of Tozer, which is located in the middle of the desert. He is famous for the fact that there is a huge plantation of the father's palm trees next to him.

What can be seen during an excursion to sugar? 9970_6

Those who wish could for an additional fee (9.5 dollars / person) go on a wagon of deep into the oasis and get acquainted with the conditions of growing dates. The rest of the group, and including us, taken to make a hotel. The hotel in which we had to spend the night, was called Ras El Ain Tozeur. The territory is quite large, there is a swimming pool and Wi-Fi in the lobby.

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Approximately an hour after the settlement, jeeps drove the jeeps on which we were lucky to ride the desert. Each car takes to the salon of 5-6 people.

What can be seen during an excursion to sugar? 9970_8

Having left the tolera, our "Toyota" turned off the road and rushed in the sands. It is said that the trail of the famous Racing Paris - Dakar took place here. The driver showed us his skill, performed steep drives and descended down, with almost vertical vertices.

The first stop was near the mountain, resembling a camel. We were given fifteen minutes for the photo. By this time, a small wind rose in the wilderness and the sand fell into the eyes, despite the glasses.

What can be seen during an excursion to sugar? 9970_9

The second time the jeep stopped near the huge sandy vegan for 15 minutes.

What can be seen during an excursion to sugar? 9970_10

We photographed on the top of the top and went to the next item - Star Wars Movie-Epopea Decorations. Decorations are a small town that was on the film was on the planet Tathuene.

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What can be seen during an excursion to sugar? 9970_12

My husband is a fan of this saga and he really liked, only time, unfortunately, is given a little. Hearing the Klason signal we hurried to our Toyota, which took us back to the hotel.

In the evening we spent in the pool, which warmed very well per day. Dinner was in a buffet format with a large variety of dishes (only without drinks).

Tomorrow we had a rise at 3 am and a more busy day.

Early in the morning we woke up a call to the room. The hotel staff called the whole group so that they did not succeed. After breakfast, we still climbed to go to Schott-El Jerid Solon Lake. The road on which we drove, crossed all the lake. In early July, it almost dried away, only in some places a puddle was visible. The bus made a small stop at the counters with dates, where it was possible to take a picture against the background of a dried bottom.

What can be seen during an excursion to sugar? 9970_13

After that, we drove off a few kilometers to the opposite shore, where they met the dawn. The sun rose very quickly, refreshing beautiful migratory vegans. Locals believe that in these places there is evil genie.

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What can be seen during an excursion to sugar? 9970_15

The next stop was in the city of Duz. Here, tourists for an additional fee are offered three entertainment: a clock walk on camels (25 dinar / person), a flight over the desert on the motodeltaplane (50 dinar / man) and quad sinking (35 dinar / one person, 50 dinar / 2 people per car) . We chose camels and quads.

Honestly, a walk on camels did not really like it. They moved away the meters by 500 from the parking lot, photographed with camels against the background of the desert and back. It is not worth this money, but they tried, because on camels yet, never went.

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But it was super skating on quadciccles. At first they were driving in a chain along a flat surface, then by low vegans. Persons drove out the glazes of palm trees, which seem to grow out of the sands.

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Further, we were expected by a two-hour moving to the village of Matmata town, where we had to familiarize themselves with the life of the indigenous population of Tunisia - Berberov. What is interesting, they live in the caves dug in the ground, so they are also called trogloditis, i.e. cave people. Many Berbers are accustomed to living like that, and do not want to move into a specifically built village for them. Berber caves in the match Many, they are made up all the slopes along the road. On some we noticed solar panels and satellite antennas, there are even parked cars. In the caves, the same temperature is maintained at about 25 degrees. Their life, which we saw, rather modest: minimum of furniture, gas stove, wash room.

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What can be seen during an excursion to sugar? 9970_20

Berber Bathroom

Then we were taken to dine into the cave restaurant, where local dishes were given, including the famous Couscous. Water was served to dishes, as it was accepted by Berber.

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Then our way was lying in the direction of the coast, to the town of El Jem, with one technical stop for 15 minutes in Makhres near Cafe Sidi-bu-Said. It is named in honor of the same white-blue town in the suburbs of Tunisia, and decorated accordingly.

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El Jime is known for its architectural monument of the era of the Roman Empire - Coliseum. I always thought that the Colosseum was only in Rome, but there are several of them. The one is considered to be the best conservation. The construction of impressive sizes to see with their own eyes.

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What can be seen during an excursion to sugar? 9970_24

It was the final stop, after which we were lucky back to Hammamet.

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