What is interesting to see Velingrad?


Velingrad town is surrounded by mountains from all sides. From Sofia to Velingrad - 135 km. Already in the 5th century of our era, Thracians lived on this territory, then the Slavs were settled and later Bulgarians. The Velingrad resort itself is young, and he officially appeared when three nearby villages were combined, in 1948.

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The resort is very popular, as it has excellent natural conditions, and the Alpine climate is not better affected by the state of health. The place is not suitable for those who love the heat - in the summer there is cool, but not so cold in winter. More plus winds are small here, which is very nice, and the light breeches are called the "white wind".

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There are also mineral springs in which they are also actively treated. They treat everything that can be treated. Thus, Velingrad -Typical young resort city, with many hotels, cottages, restaurants and spa salons.

For those who try to get rich and spiritually, there are interesting places in the city. Here, for example, what:

Historical Museum

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The museum founded four years after the proclamation of Velingrad in the city. It can be found in the area of ​​Kamenitsa, next to the temple of the Holy Trinity. The museum has permanent expositions: the exhibition "Painted Easter Eggs", the Ethnographic Collection of "Hospitable Mountains" and a memorial exhibition dedicated to the Vela of Peak (Participant of the Bulgarian Partisan Anti-Fascist Movement to the Second World). By the way, three villages (in one of them born and lived), they united in Velingrad in honor of this heroine (and called the city, too, in honor of her). And the museum is located in her house. As for Easter eggs, it is the biggest Balkan such exposure. The eggs are painted, which is interesting, wax and handle is a traditional method for this region. But the exhibition exposes rapid eggs from all over the Eastern and Central Europe. And the most excitement occurs, it is necessary to think, before Easter - there are master classes on egg apart.

"Hospitable mountains" - an exhibition with costumes of different religious groups - Muslims, Christians, Arumunov, all who live in the Chepinsky district (part of Velingrad).

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Well, a couple of exhibits talk about the history of the city, there are different old photos, documents and other on the 18th century to the present day.

There is also a room with an exhibition about the life of Nikolai Gayurova, an opera singer who was born in this city. In the museum - personal belongings, photo and documents, as well as costumes that he wore in their productions and records of the singer's voice. This exhibition, by the way, is not constant, and sometimes it travels to other museums of the country, as it is of great interest among local residents.

Cave Lebepenitsa

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This cave is located approximately 12 km from Velingrad, in the western part of the Rhodopian mountains. The cave is quite deep, more than one and a half meters, with three levels. At the lower level, an underground river runs, on average, lakes are located (if it rains, it turns out four lakes, if only two can be seen on the street), the third floor without any lakes, but there are no tourists there. The cave is relatively heat, the temperature is kept somewhere around 10 degrees.

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Of course, the cave "Oblasan" with stalactites and stalagmites and other stone icicles. All this looks very beautiful and unusual. In this cave, the deposits of pearls were once found, which is now exhibited in the Museum of Natural Sciences in Sofia. And in this deepening a variety of animals live. To be accurate, then there are already 24 types of them, in these stone jungle. Six species are troglobionat - that you mean, animals, living exclusively in such caves. On the walls you can see the volatile mice, which in this cave 6 different species.

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The cave is studying the stage since the 30s of the last century, even created a special academic society in the capital. True, the investigation of the grotto was done with some big interruptions. Today, tourists have already been permitted to climb into the cave, and indeed, this place has long been a famous natural attraction. By the way, the groups in which the people are more than 10 people, can not enter the cave. And one too, only with a guide that proven trails know.

Ruins of the Fortress Chainin

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This fortress is a little further sat down Dorkovo (which is 14 km from Velingrad). There is a fortress on the elevation in the form of a cone at an altitude of 1136 meters above sea level. Scientists assure that the fortress was built in 11-13 century. In the archaeological excavations on this mountain in the late 70s, a Soviet scientist took part, who came off the marble relief with images of the Apostles Petr and Paul and safely transported him to St. Petersburg Hermitage.

As for the fortress, it is assumed that the Alexxia Glory family lived there, the niece of the Bulgarian king Kaloyan, who rules at the end of the 12th and early 13th century. There is a legend that Alexy brought his young spouse to the fortress after the wedding, and she was so impressed with the views of the high gloomy year, which shouted that there would be her grave. In his language shouted, and no one understood her, but just in case they were blessed, believing that the bride showed the delight. But the words of the girl were prophetic, and soon she got sick and died, and in his suicide note she asked her to be buried on the same top. King's killed, the king soon moved his residence to Melnik. So, the castle remained abandoned and soon turned into ruins. And everyone comes here to admire the views and ancient stones.

Church of St. Trinity

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One of the oldest existing Orthodox churches of the city. By the way, the church was built so that she was almost completely left under Earth (and there was no windows either), because the Turkish authorities were not allowed to build temples. However, when these stupid laws ceased to act, the church was expanded, spread out, dug out, restored and allowed the roof with windows. In the 19th century, the church was decided to raise a new level and here in 1816 this plan was implemented. Again, according to Turkish laws, it was impossible to install a bell tower, and it was able to put it there only 60 years later. Well, the porch then added, and another beauty was brought. And inside, and outside the church is very good, be sure to visit.

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