What should be expected from rest in Ivanovo?


About Ivanovo, for sure, many heard, and most people have this city associated with a textile edge. The way it is. However, textile factories, which were built here in the 19th century, no longer left. Rather, the buildings themselves are standing, but there is no longer production. There are also those textile enterprises that were built in the Soviet period, large shopping centers of the city are now located in them. However, there is a lot of textile products in the city. Many private enterprises, every second, well, the third resident of the sewing. True, the city is known and not only. There are many attractions that will be interesting and informative. It was not for nothing that Ivanovo was included in the list of cities of the Golden Ring of Russia, along with Rostov Great, Suzdal, Vladimir, Ples and others. Yes, the history of the city is not as rich as other cities, but here are the monuments of ancient architecture, interesting on the content and value of the exhibits of museums, revived monasteries. Therefore, Ivanovo is worth a visit. Here you can combine pleasant with useful - buy textile products at affordable prices and see the history of the edge.

There is a good theater in the city, Circus, as well as Philharmonic. A large number of children are arrived from the region to produce doll theater and circus performances. Every year, the Andrei Tarkovsky festival is held in Ivanovo, the famous musical groups and artists come here. Cultural life in the city is very diverse and diverse.

To receive tourists Ivanovo is ready. A large number of hotel complexes and not only those that we call "Sovdeopovskiy". ONLY Sheremetyev Park Hotel Hotel annually takes a large number of tourists. It is located on the Sheremetyevsky Avenue of the same name, before the avenue named after Friedrich Engels. Here, everything is on European standards - excellent rooms, wonderful service, your restaurant and no less remarkable prices.

What should be expected from rest in Ivanovo? 9963_1

If you still plan a trip to Ivanovo with a goal of rest or, let's say, visits to relatives, then you can spend time here, including children. Right in the center of the city on the city of March 8 and in the border alley two children's parks, in shopping centers, large children's entertainment complexes, for example, Fazy Fan in the TC "Silver City".

Among the iconic attractions of the Museums of Citz and Industry and Art named after D.G. Burylina - famous manufacturer and patrons. Both museum are on Baturin Street. They collected exhibits from the manufacturer's collection, which he collected all his life and brought from different countries of the world, including from Egypt. Mummy of the Egyptian princess, as well as other ancient exhibits of Egypt and Greece can be seen in the exhibition halls of the regional art museum. The Soviet period Ivanovo is presented in the halls of the Museum of the First Council. After all, the city is famous not only as a textile edge. He is considered the "city of the First Council". A large number of Bolsheviks, revolutionaries lived here and raised people to armed uprisings. This period is evidenced by the Memorial Complex "Red Tung" in the town of Sorting, a monument to revolutionaries on the Priminal Square, F.A. Afanasyev on Sadovaya Street and a number of others.

The city glorified not only supporters of the revolutionary movement. Ivanovo is a cultural center. Recently was erected in the center of the city in the square near the State Polytechnic University. Monument to S. Yesenin, and lovers of the Bardov song love to spend time in a small square named after A. Asevernoy, where one more attraction is the Schudrovskaya Tent, dated 17 centuries. This is one of the first stone buildings Ivanovo.

What should be expected from rest in Ivanovo? 9963_2

There is also one remarkable building in the city that absolutely "knocks out" from the overall architectural style. It is built in the Gothic style of medieval Europe. Author A.Ya. Dürgeringer. He comes from Switzerland. The building bought at one of the Ivanovo manufacturers and rebuilt it in the Western European style of the Renaissance era.

What should be expected from rest in Ivanovo? 9963_3

Today Ivanovo is a modern urbanized city. It is actively building not only a residential foundation, but also buildings of banks, shopping centers. The city became much more attractive, cleaner than before. Transformed its square, streets.

What should be expected from rest in Ivanovo? 9963_4

Many new parks, squares, where they like to spend time and visiting and locals. Especially popular Embankment on the River Uvad. Here you can see a lot of youth, mothers walking with children.

There are many youth in the city, because a significant number of universities are concentrated in Ivanovo. Therefore, the city is still coming to training. The choice of specialties is great, the quality of training specialists is high.

It is worth visiting at least one day this city. Disappointed you will not leave it.

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