Where to go to jar and what to see?


Jerash is a very ancient city, since life in these places is not interrupted here is already six and a half thousand years. This is a very popular city and it can boldly make a competition to another Jordan city of Peter. In fact, it occupies a place in its popularity among tourists who visit the country to Jordan. The city is famous for its interesting and long history, to track which we will try by considering the most interesting places of the old Jerash.

Temple Zeus . In antiquity, this temple was the main thing in the city. It was built in the first century of our era, however, in the eighth century, these places experienced the strongest earthquake and the temple was practically destroyed, the only thing that survived was the majestic columns. These columns are huge, because their height is fifteen meters and it can be judged according to them that the former temple was a truly grand and very large-scale structure. The building was erected, very thought out, as it could be seen from anywhere in the ancient city. The temple conducted restoration work, during which they managed to restore the main buildings, but to recreate it in its original form, unfortunately it is not possible.

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Northern Theater. . The grandiose structure and would very much like to know the name of the architect, who created such an incredible project safely embodied in life in the sixty-fifth year of our era. People at all times sought to the beautiful and this theater of the most visual confirmation. The entrance to the theater was truly pompous, because a broad staircase was led to him, which took its beginning from the main street of the city. At the very beginning of its existence, the theater had only fourteen rows of seats. The city expanded, and the theater was expanded after him, and soon the theater wall could accommodate 1600 spectators. Even later, South Theater was built. Theater, collected viewers, to show ideas, holding religious events, as well as for the speeches of the city council. By the way, in our time, the theater did not lose its popularity and every year in the month of July, it is customary to conduct a historic festival on its square, which is accompanied by a torch procession.

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Column street . Gerash, once he was a Roman city and this is evidenced by not only historical records, but also most of the architectural buildings that miraculously survived after a strong earthquake, which was in the eighth century and, about which I already wrote above. The main street of modern Gerash, in those days, was called Cardo maximum. The dimensions of this street were striking, because it will be more correct, call it avenue, because there are no problems and inconveniences on it without problems and inconveniences. The main advantage of this ancient avenue survived and came to us descendants - a number of columns. These are not just columns, it is the most real frequency of the columns. Moreover, the columns are not the same type, but vice versa are different because there is no time next to them, and the columns in theory were to match them in appearance. The road between the columns is lined with plates of white stone. Walking along this old street of the ancient city, it is very nice to indulge in dreams and to give will to his imagination tolerating virtually in those distant times.

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Triumphal Arch . An army in a hundred thirtieth year of our era. However, it was unreasonable not just because the construction was dedicated to the arrival of Emperor Adrian, who lived here all winter. As entertainment for the emperor, there was an urgent construction of the hippodrome, which was located immediately behind the arch. Now the Triumphal Arch is the main attraction of the ancient city of the museum and serves as the main entrance to the old territory.

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Temple of Artemis. . Surprisingly, this temple is considered the most surviving construction in an ancient city. He is located, practically next to the temple of Zeus, but this is less lucky. Looking at the surviving fragments, the temple of Artemis, you can unmistakably draw the entire contour. An incredible idea of ​​the architect. Seeing this temple for the first time, it seems that the building is soaring in the air and here I do not exaggerate. In general, the temple of Artemis, worriedly survived and stoically resistant not after one earthquake, and after several, and it surprises very much, because the reason for such persistence personally, I am simply incomprehensible.

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Adjlun Castle (Ar-Rabat Kalalat) . It was built by the castle by Emir Isapps Usam in 1184, in order to protect trading paths, which extended between Jordan and Syria. The place to build a structure was chosen the most responsible way. The defensive structure on the mountain rises, with the towers of the castle, a stunning panorama is visible overlooking the three roads, as well as the entire valley. In clear and cloudless weather, with the towers of the castle, you can consider the golden domes of temples in Jerusalem. As it is neither paradoxically sounds, a defensive fortress, for all his time existence, did not see a single attack or battle. Today, they have placed the Museum by the Main Exposition, which there are exhibits of the distant times of the Board of Byzantine Emperors, which were discovered during the excavation.

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Octagonal Basilica in Umm Kais . Previously, this place was another name - Hadara. If you read the Bible, I'll certainly remember the mention of these places, because it was here that Jesus made one of the wonders - the Gadarinsky miracle. Archaeologists, this basilica, was discovered quite recently and on how much it matches the description that there is in the Bible, goosebumps begin to run on the skin, because if this is the case, then this basilica seen Jesus Christ himself. After the excavations, the basilica studies were conducted, as a result, they managed to establish what was erected was an ancient Roman tomb, so in fact she could well become a witness of the biblical miracle. Basilica from basalt was built, has an octagonal shape, completely filled with tombs and sarcophagi. The black stone, from which the basil was built, produces an incredible impression, describe in words that is quite difficult.

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