The most interesting places in Pomorie.


Pomorie- small resort town on the peninsula. The city is very old, he was founded in the V century to our era, founded the Greeks from the nearby Sozopol. The city was ruled by Rome, then Byzantium, Turks. The city attacked countless times of Goths, Slavs, Avarov, Bulgarians. The city is wearing his current name since 1934 (there used to be anchialyos or anchioal). By the way, in the 20s of the last century, in Pomorie, the largest of the Russian emigrant Cossack villages was organized - 130 people. True, after 10 years, only 20 years left. As in view of these all events, it can be assumed, in the city there are many vintage architectural structures to pay attention to.

Thracian tomb

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The most interesting places in Pomorie. 9957_3

There is this monument to the West from the center of Pomorie, not far from the Pomorie-Burgas road route, in the territory of Necropolis. Looking at the tomb resembles a hill. The construction of the tomb belongs to 2-3 centresses. Once it was the mausoleum of a local rich family, as well as a place for magical pagan rituals. The tomb consists of a corridor (drromos) at 22 meters and a circular shape chamber with a diameter of 11 meters. In the height of the tomb of the brick and stone - 5.5 meters. The set of tomb reminds some kind of mushroom with a hollow column in the middle (the diameter of the column is 3.5 meters). Moreover, the top of this column expands, dismantle into the outer wall. Inside the column was once a twisted staircase made of stone, which led to the surface of the tomb. Near this construction, you can see five niches located in a circle - they put urns with the remains of the deceased. Scientists assure that this construction was decorated with painting, but we can only see particles of green plaster. This is the only similar design on the Balkan Peninsula. The mystery of the tomb is not solved so far, and architects from all countries draw inspiration in a unique building.

Monastery St. George

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This is an Orthodox male monastery acting. When it was built - it is unknown for some reason. It is assumed somewhere in the early 19th century. Naturally, the monastery surround the legends. Like, the miraculous source cured Turkish Bay (leader, mean), Selima, who visited here in the 18th century. Moreover, one of the subjects of Selima before that was a dream, where he saw this incredible source. And after the source, the employee began to dream of George Victorious. The dreams completely suffocated to the worker and he went to search for the place and, of course, found him. And at the same time found a marble bas-relief with the image of St. George near. Selim heard about this story and also went there for healing. From happiness, Selim and his family decided to adopt Christianity, and where there was a source, Selim ordered to build a chapel, which "turned" into the monastery. Also, the ruler gave all his lands to the monastery and became the first abbot himself. Bas-relief is still being seen in the monastery. As well as the miraculous icon of St. George the Victorious. This building is located on Manastirsk Street.

Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin

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The temple was built in 1890, and a year later the church was consecrated. Icons are written by Russian icon painters in a classic style. The architect of the temple laid a lot of tangent of this church, but after his death, many plans remained unfinished. That is, according to the plan, the temple should be with a bulk dome, but the dome to the pore forces is flat. After the death of the main architect, the church was completed and changed. Changed the altar, decorated the gate of the thread, added icons, copies of the ancient Russian icons. The temple attracts many tourists annually. Since 2004, the Church is held in the Church, the festival of Orthodox singing, which is called "The Most Holy Mother of God - is worthy." Participants from different countries of SERBIA, Ukraine, Georgia and Russia come to the festival.

Address: ul. Cherkovna 2 (we are going on bus number 1 to pl. St. Cyril and Methodology)

Schedule: Monday-Sunday 8.30-22.00

Museum of salt

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The most interesting places in Pomorie. 9957_8

The unique museum is not only Bulgaria, but also of all Eastern Europe. The museum has been working since 2002 and offers its guests to follow the process of salt producing by evaporation in the sun (ancient Anchilant technology, called). All as in ancient times. Simply, in this area, salted - one of the mainfts. It seems like, they were engaged before the city was founded. That's right, because Sol- "White Gold".

The open-air museum spread over two hectares. Swimming pools are separated by dams from the ground and tree. Plus, you can look at the collection of photos of the beginning of the last century and important documents of 15-19 centuries, all "about salt". And here you can see the tools of saliveselides: Trolleys of wood, rowing, etc. Not far from the Museum - Lake, which is a protected area, and on its shores there are 200 species of birds, they can be observed by special cameras. The lake stretches along the coast. Salt content - as much as 75 percent. Access to the lake is free. And around Lake -spa-salon and hospital (naturally, salt and different mud baths based on it are very useful for health).

Address: ul. Solna (you can take the bus number 1 or 3 to Ul.Eon).

Entrance ticket: 2 levs (children and pensioners -1).

Work schedule: in winter: Monday-Friday 8: 00-16: 00, Saturday-Sunday - day off. In the summer: Monday-Friday 8: 00-18: 00, Saturday 10: 00-18: 00, Sunday - day off.

Reserve "Old Pomorie Houses"

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The most interesting places in Pomorie. 9957_10

Those historical buildings who survived after a terrible fire of 1906 (who destroyed almost the entire city), today they are united in the architectural complex "Old Pomoria Houses". It contains the buildings of the XIX century, everything is picturesque, impressive. Wonderful old atmosphere. Interestingly, the first floors of almost all buildings are stone, second wooden. It seems like, this in order that the dampness from the sea does not detain the construction. Logic! The roofs are covered with tiles, through which the greenery makes itself. At home are private property, so it is impossible to go inside. Well, only if you agree, if it turns out, of course. But you can look into the historical Museum Pomorius and admire the ancient fishing houses. To get to the reserve, sit on the bus number 1 and travel to the neighborhood of Grad.

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