Rest in Tirana: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer.


Despite the fact that Russia has diplomatic relations with Albania, as well as the fact that it is relatively close to Russia, to fly without transfers to the capital of the country - Tirana will not work. Russian air carriers, as well, and others do not consider this flight cost-effective. However, to get to Tiran on the plane is still real, though with one or two transplants. Options with two consider does not make sense, because it is tedious and expensive, but we will consider the most comfortable with one, more closely.

At the moment, the following flights are most preferable:

- TURKISH AIRLINES. Route - Moscow-Stabula, Istanbul-Tirana. Time in flight in both points will be a little more than 3 hours, time to change 3-4 hours. The price for both flights starts with 300 dollars.

- ADRIA AIRWAYS. Route - Moscow-Ljubljana, Ljubljana-Tirana. The time in the air is just over 3 hours. A little more than 4 hours leaves for a transplant. Prices begin with 450 US dollars.

- Alitalia. In this case, the first point of arrival will be Rome from which in turn you will go to Tiran. Time in flight about 6 hours, but the transplant is carried out within 1-2 hours. The cost of the flight with all fees and taxes begins from 700 euros.

There are some more composite routes with other airlines, but they are less interesting and there is a risk of recovering the second flight.

All flights arrive in the only Mother Teresa International Airport in the country, which is 18 kilometers from Tirana. From the building of the airport to the city, you can both at a taxi and a flight bus Rinas Express, which is sent every hour during the daytime. The bus ride will cost about 1 euro, and at a taxi at 15 in the daytime and at 25 euros to the night.

Rest in Tirana: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer. 9956_1

Also before tyrana, you can reach international buses from the following cities: Istanbul, Sofia, Athens, Pristina and Macedonian Tetovo.

Travel time and prices:

- Istanbul-Tirana. 20 hours, the price of 35 euros;

- Sofia-Tirana. About 22 hours, the price of 25 euros;

- Athens-Tirana. Time on the way 9 hours, the cost of tickets begins from 30 euros;

- Pristina-Tirana. 4 hours, the cost of tickets from 10 euros and above, depending on the class of the bus;

- Tetovo-tyrana. 6 hours, 15evro;

International passenger railway communication in Albania is absent.

Movement in the city

Urban transport in Tirana is represented by buses of different capacity (very cheap) and taxis. What when traveling by bus it is worth considering the fact that the stops in the greater part are rated, because for landing and disembarking passengers they can stop at any point of the route. Moreover, the bus fleet in Tirana is very old.

Rest in Tirana: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer. 9956_2

It is quite interesting, but at the same time, a rented car can be a very risky way of movement by Tirana. The city employs rentals, both local and world name. In order to rent a car enough to have international rights and means for renting. What is the risk? In Albanian ride style and frankly broken roads. Movement chaotic, compliance with the rules is not mandatory, but very few traffic lights in the city. Therefore, if driving experience is not enough, it is better to use a taxi that can be stopped on the street, call or hire in the parking lot. All taxis have a yellow color, and payment for travel is carried out on the meter (make sure that the driver would include it).

Rest in Tirana: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer. 9956_3

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