Why is it worth going to Baracoa?


Baracoa refers to Guantanamo Province, which is at the most extreme eastern Cuban side. This is the administrative center of the municipality of Baracoa. The city is practically separated from the main part of Cuba, and is located right on the coast of a small bay. Previously, here it was possible to get an extremely water. Mountain ridge, separating Baracoa, has been impregnable for many years, until 1960, when they laid the road connecting Baraco with Guantanamo through the mountains.

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But the expedition of Christopher Columbus visited the city back in 1492, so the city is considered the oldest among the cities of the New World. Columbus was simply delighted with the beauty and naturalness of this place, and in memory of the opening, installed on the territory of a wooden cross, which is still kept in the city cathedral of Baracoa. The cross refers to the end of the 15th century, which recently confirmed scientific expection.

In 1512, Konkistador Diego Velasquez de Cuellar founded a small settlement here, and already from 1518-1522, Baracoa was recognized by Cuba Dye.

Located on the shores of the honey bay, the locals are engaged in the processing of bananas, coconuts, cocoa. Today, the city is a major cocoa center, and serves as a port, because the territory of the resort city is located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean.

Thanks to a large number of cocoa, it is in Baraco "a magnificent Cuban chocolate produces, with a special taste. In addition, chocolate is added to many local dishes, so during your stay in the city, be sure to try fish baked in cocoa. Tourists must become acquainted with local dishes, among which lobsters in a creamy sauce are extremely popular, fish stuffed with bananas, as well as a chicken, which is fried with a large number of seasonings. Well, undoubtedly, a large selection of sweets.

From here constantly export bananas, tropical fruits, coconuts. Fishing vessels are actively fishing in the ocean waters, a chocolate factory has a chocolate factory in the city, and the production of coconut oil is located.

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But because of the surroundings of rivers, forests, mountains, the city of Baracoa still remains a fairly isolated region, and it is precisely it is its most important highlight, and a landmark. Many travelers consider Baraco to be the most amazing and most interesting place in Cuba. Amazing landscapes, natural landscapes, mountains, are a significant advantage over the rest of the Cuban resorts. Practically intact nature, deserted beaches, allow tourists to plunge into the world of some discoveries and travel, having acquainted with every part of this place on their own. You can touch the history of Baracoa, the first Cuban island.

The city surrounds the tropical forests in which almost disappeared, very rare plants and trees, as well as animals and birds with a colorful plumage, are still growing. It looks beautiful and the territory of the city itself, so the vacation will fly here in an instant.

And this is not to mention historically valuable sites throughout the city territory, and the abundance of cultural life and events. Previously, Baracoa was the most important cashpost, which strengthened quite powerful forts, such as Furte Matachin - today's municipal museum; Furte de la Punta - present restaurant; El Castillo de Seboruko is a wonderful hotel.

This oldest Cuban city allows tourists to stroll along the long promenade, which is almost every city of Cuba. From here there is a striking view of the ocean, so the walks will be appropriately at any time of the day. On the embankment there is a wooden statue of Christopher Columbus, which was cut out of a giant stump. The statue serves as an decoration of the Park of the same name, in which you can relax on the shops in the shade of the trees, just admiring the water stroke.

Almost all architectural buildings are one-story buildings that are located on a cobbled old streets. Tourists can visit the Archaeological Museum of the city, which keeps valuable excavations found in the territory, as well as historically valuable expositions from the life of the first settlers of Baracoa. Tourist interest represents urban galleries, because, as you know, Cuban art objects are distinguished by a special handwriting, which is the main feature of creating amazing items and paintings.

Here it is necessary to visit the tobacco factory Manuel Fuente, because Cuba is known worldwide the production of high-quality tobacco. In the territories of almost all settlements there are tobacco factories or plants for its production. Here, tourists will get acquainted with the peculiarities of the work of local residents, because the Cuban cigars are done manually.

The city is located the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin, who built an ancient monastery on the spot. The famous cross brought by Columbus is also kept here.

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In the depths of the island there is a unique reserve, which is under the protection of UNESCO. The primevalist preserved place is one of the most unique on Earth, so local authorities are trying to preserve an amazing tropical corner, all available forces. It is advisable to go on excursions here, it's preferably accompanied by a guide, because you can not only hear many stories related to this place, but also more securely follow the paths paved. After all, you should not forget that the territory of the reserve is the location of the wildlife, with birds, and rare animals. And you will be much calmer just to enjoy the rest and suggested excursion, rather than to look for trails and wade through the tropical forests.

Tourists can spend a great time and on excellent Baracoa beaches, which have enough on the island: Duaba, Maguana, Kahuako, and others.

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Beaches please tourists with snow-white sand, surrounded by amazing landscapes and landscapes. Here you can not only swim, but by windsurfing or diving. You can rent a boat and make a beautiful sea walk through blue waters, or to go fishing, and then cook your grill cat.

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