Why is it worth going to the Great Rostov?


Those tourists who honor the history of their country and want to introduce their children to the cultural heritage of their children, to instill a sense of patriotism, must make a journey to Rostov the Great. After all, it is believed that the history of Russia began with this city.

Rostov is included in the list of cities of the Golden Ring of Russia. It survived the architectural monuments that we are contemporaries have the opportunity to see the sortie.

I always attract such trips. It was already possible to visit many invalid Russian cities, and each of them left their indelible impressions. In Rostov, I was twice and I can say with confidence that I will come more than once.

As for a long stay in this city, I think it makes no sense. Enough and couples days. A man from a big megalpolis, habitual to another rhythm of life, after two or three days annoying this quiet, calm, measured and unhurried life. To see the sights of two days for sure. Personally, I joined the trip to the weekend, thus it was a weekend tour. Many travel agencies offer similar organized tours by bus, the cost of them is small about 600-800 rubles. The first time I went and went, and in the second I had arrived alone by car.

In Rostov, great interest, of course, has its historic center. As it seemed to me, the whole city was impregnated with a long time. Here are small cozy houses, along the type of merchant, many monasteries. In such two-storey houses, many guest houses. Different prices. In the wooden part of the house, the room is cheaper than in the stone. The cost fluctuates within 1000-2500 rubles per night. Local residents also rent rooms, there are much cheaper about 500-600 rubles, well, and it is possible to bargain.

In the city Vitates spirit of peace. Probably, only coming tourists make some resonance into the familiar life of local residents.

What an ancient city and without the Kremlin. In Rostov, he is his own. The scenes from the royal life, the House of Moscow Kremlin, as well as the belfry in the famous film "Ivan Vasilyevich changing the profession" was removed here.

Why is it worth going to the Great Rostov? 9953_1

There are several temples and museums on the territory of the Kremlin. It is a pity that at the time of arrival the Assumption Cathedral was all closed with restoration forests and see it in all its glory. 15 bells on the belfry, preserved from the old days, fill the Kremlin's territory magnificent music. Immediately, it is also possible to measure the historical Russian costume and in such a closure and even under the ringing of bells, as if as in the film with the help of a time car, you get to the period of the reign of Ivan the Terrible. Do not deprive yourself of such pleasure, and also photos will be excellent.

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There is a very interesting museum on the territory of the Kremlin - Finifty. For ladies, there is just a clantike - earrings, pendants, bracelets, suspension. This unique technique glorified Rostov to the whole world, and there is also a museum of pottery. You can purchase products made in Rostov technique. These are clay vases, figurines. They are black from above due to special processing. It is much better to bring such original Russian souvenirs than those with the mark of "Maid In China".

I definitely advise ride on the boat on the famous Lake Nero. A huge size of freshwater lake is absolutely not intended for swimming. Its bottom is covered with a thick layer of sapropel, which is used as natural fertilizer. Tourists usually from such a trip delighted. The lake offers magnificent views of the surroundings, Viden Kremlin, Savier-Yakovlevsky monastery. For lovers and professional photographers, the best place to shoot.

Why is it worth going to the Great Rostov? 9953_3

Children on such travel is always interesting. The fact that they are studying on textbooks and see only in pictures, it is possible to see with their own eyes, and the "dive" in history is the best version of her.

You can come here at any time of the year. It just won't be able to ride on the lake in winter and late fall.

After the trip you will feel a full-fledged vacation. It has a soul.

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