Excursions in Pinar del Rio: What to see?


Pinar del Rio is just an amazing place to relax, because on its territory there is simply a huge number of interesting and exciting places, decent visits to every visit. It is amazing that tourist agencies and locals organize stunning excursions that open exotic places to fully reveal their history and allow it to be part of it. You can visit the amazing places created by nature, enjoy their beauty and just have fun of your holiday.

Reserve "Sierra del Rosario". The reserve is located on the Rosario Mountain Ridge, where the highest point is 500 meters above sea level. The area of ​​the reserve is 257 square kilometers, so the excursion is very interesting and memorable. The history of the reserve began in 1967, when the government began restoring a forest massif, which was significantly injured due to cutting down of forests, agricultural activities, etc.

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For twenty years, the area was actively planted with trees, shrubs, including rocks of red trees, and in 1984 he received the status of a not just a reserve, and the biosphere reserve under the protection of UNESCO.

Conifers, mixed, deciduous trees, a variety of types of shrubs, flowers, all this you can see with your own eyes. In the reserve there are about a hundred species of birds, among which there are hummingbirds, parrots, tocororeo - the symbol of Cuba. Previously, the birds were caught and sold, and today they are not practically anywhere, except the territory of the reserve.

Soro Orchids Garden. The garden is located eighty kilometers from the Cuban capital of Havana, in a small village called Soroa, which refers to Pinar del Rio Province. The garden was founded in 1943, and its initial name was Pilila ranch. The territory of the garden belongs to the Sierra del Rosario Bispan Reserve.

Initially, the garden owner was Don Thomas Fellype Camacho, Spanish lawyer. But after the tragic situation in his family, the death of his wife and daughter, the widower completely devoted himself to garden beauty, and created a unique botanical garden, practically the largest in all Latin America. He chose a hill with fertile land and began to plant orchids and other plants, increasing the planted area more and more. The creator's mansion was subsequently turned into a house-museum, but retained his original interior decoration.

Garden area - 35 thousand square meters, and about 4 thousand types of orchids grow on its territory.

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The amazing place, very bright and colorful, in the collection the most famous are black orchid and chocolate orchid, as well as earth orchid.

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In addition to orchids, magnolias grow here, Maripos - the symbol of Cuba, Jasmine, the tree of pilgrims, whose long leaves are located fan, and other tropical plants, ferns, flowers, shrubs, many of whom look very original. This is an amazing and unique place of the entire province of Pinar del Rio.

GUAYABITA DEL PINAR alcoholic plant. This plant is engaged in the production of the most famous Liquor "Guayabita del Pinar", and the plant itself is called "Bebidas Guayabita". The history of the appearance of the drink goes its roots into the colonial Cuba. There was a time when the colonies sent huge tobacco parties to Spain, and tobacco collectors were very frozen in the working period in winter. Rosa, falling from tobacco leaves, was just ice, and as a method of warming, people used alcoholic beverages, which subsequently led to the development of alcoholism and its distribution. Therefore, people came up with a new drink. They collected the fruits of the Guawa tree, cut them, and add vanilla, sugar, purified water and rum, and insisted in oak barrels. After they were filtering and insisted about three months in bottles. Rom acquired the shade of Guava, instead of the warm taste of the oak tree.

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Surprisingly, the drink was so popular that it was put on larger production at the end of the 19th century. Today, the plant produces a large number of bottles with a liqueur, and conducts exciting excursions, during which you can watch the production process and taste the quality of this Guayabita Del Pinar.

Tobacco factory in Candelaria. The factory was sent in 1953, on the territory, ideal for tobacco growing. On the territory of the El Whiskinino plantation, the cabin collects, the top leaf of tobacco, which is simply ideal for twisting cigars. Therefore, the cigars of the highest class can be bought in the factory of the same name, which is open today to visit.

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Excursion groups are constantly coming here, so everyone can see how the tobacco leaf is processed, and turns into an elegant, expensive cigar. And you can find out which types of tobacco sheets are.

Vinyales Valley. This is the Cuba National Park, which UNESCO called the world importance. The park territory is located in the valley of Sierra de Los Organism, which is known for its flat hills called Mogot, or as their locals are named - the backs of the slopes. These hills have almost vertical slopes and flat peaks that create a stunning effect on visitors. The unique landscape is combined with karst valleys on the territory of the reserve, as well as beautiful, very picturesque waterfalls. The soil in the reserve is known, therefore, over time, the hills are formed here a very original, and bizarre form, and the flow of groundwater creates unique caves.

On the territory of the reserve there is a famous cave of the Indian, in which the aborigines of these lands lived. Today, tourists are offered to visit the cave, which highlights electrical lamps, make a small boat walk, and also see the prehistoric fresco. The fresco is a rock that is about 120 meters high. It depicts prehistoric people, animals.

The valley itself is still known as the land for tobacco plantations. On its lands also grow different types of fruit, medicinal, ornamental trees.

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