Why do tourists choose Pinar del Rio?


Pinar del Rio is considered to be the Western province of Cuba. The foundation date of the city is a rather controversial issue, because according to one information founders were conquistadors in 1519-1521, according to other information, the city founded the captain of the Spanish army in 1774. If you believe that the city founded an army captain, then Pinar del Rio can be confidently considered the last city founded by the Spaniards. The city passed its story when in 896 the war broke out on its territory, when Captain Antonio Maso tried to divide the city into two parts. And in the end, the city received a very good impetus for development. But after the 1959 revolution, the economic condition of Pinar del Rio began to improve, and the national highway, leading from Havana to the city, was prevented here, and began to flourish tourism. The city is located just 160 kilometers from Havana, so many tourists intend to visit this city.

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Today, the city is the main area for the cultivation of tobacco in Cuba, as well as the center of the country's cigar industry.

Pinar del Rio is a huge tourist interest, because in the territory of the city, as well as its surroundings there are quite a fairly large number of interesting places, including amazing nature reserves, diving sites, historical sights and cultural institutions. For example, it is necessary to visit the famous tobacco factory of Francisco to the famous, or visit the Fabrica de Bebidas Casa Garay plant, where the amazing brandy from Guava is manufactured. Not far from the factory is the city square, which is located the art gallery with collections of local artists. By the way, the gallery is considered to be the best in Pinar del Rio. In Moorish mansion, you should visit the Museum of Natural Sciences Museo de Ciencias Naturales Sandalio de Noda. Here are simply amazing exhibits, ranging from tyrannosaurs, and ending with the stuffed giraffes and their young. A visit to the Historical Museum will be interesting, in which the exhibits of the pre-columbian times found in the province are collected.

Very interesting and surroundings of the city where you can go on your own, or among the excursion group. For example, just thirty kilometers from the city is Vinyales Valle de Viñales, which is very beautiful with his sheer hills and fairly flat tops. These hills are already more than 160 million years. And in the mountains there are quite a large amount of caves, among which the caves of the Indians, Cueva de José Miguel, Cueva de Santo Tomas, and they all produce just an amazing impression on travelers. Each of them pays his own history, which is interesting to know everyone. In the valley there is a camp of runaway slaves, as well as the Botanical Garden.

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The province of Pinar del Rio has a great advantage, in front of the rest of the resorts of Cuba, the WTuth on its territory is as many as two plots, which were declared UNESCO world reserves of the biosphere. This is the Guanaacabibes Peninsula, as well as Sierra del Rosario. In addition, almost through the entire territory of the province passes a large mountain range, as well as sources of mineral waters and the most valuable caves.

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Pinar del Rio is also a unique place for diving, because the province belongs to a number of islets, which offer excellent conditions for immersing and water sports and outdoor activities. First of all, it is the island of Cayo-Levis, who is part of the Los Colorados archipelago, which is on the north-west coast of Cuba. This is a very popular diving place, because the island's territory is surrounded by coral entities, in which beautiful exotic fish, jellyfish, algae, parrot fish, which are very beautiful, and some types of crustaceans are inhabited. It is also possible to meet larger maritime representatives, such as whale sharks, sea wolves and rods.

Great place for diving and the island of Maria La Gorda, on the Guanaacabibes Peninsula. This is the most western point of the country, and here is the international diving center. Moreover, it is a very interesting place, because by historical information. It is associated with pirates. When plungers, you can see ship guns, anchors and wreckage of sunken antique ships. Here we grow excellent black corals, and you can also meet Barracud. Immersion in this zone is most popular, because the underwater world of this territory is really beautiful.

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There are wonderful places in the city, which will be interesting and Dutm. There are hotels with children's playgrounds, and restaurants that offer children's menu. The only thing worth noting about staying with the children is that it is worth going with the random children. In order for them it is interesting to attend the ancient caves and natural reserves. For little chad, there is practically nothing, therefore it is worth considering the trip.

Like all Cuban cities, it costs to treat local residents and non-punishment, especially if you plan to go to Cuba on your own. As for large companies, it is worth watching valuable things and money, and try not to wear a large amount of cash with you.

It is worth noting that in comparison with such resort cities as Sienfuegos or Trinidad, Pinar del Rio is not distinguished by such a large number of historical attractions and cultural property. Although, tourists here you can visit factories and plants, as well as museums. On the territory of the city and its surroundings, a much larger amount of natural objects that tourists and travelers of different countries can enjoy. And all this is not compared with historical monuments and monuments that other resorts of Cuba possess.

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A large number of tourists come to visit Pinar del Rio precisely in order to be alone with nature and its beauty, because the natural potential of this region is simply amazing. Natural parks and reserves, stunning diving and swimming facilities with mask and flippers, amazing orchid and cave gardens, which is worthy of visiting.

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