Abu Dhabi - Senior Brother of Luxury Dubai


Our journey began in Dubai. Jumping onto the track from the traffic jams (the metro decided only part of the problems with traffic), we were on the road with a good asphalt pavement only in some places with sandware.

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The multi-family gasoline SUV freely contained five tourists, a guide and driver. Fencing on the sides of the road, as if the deserted path of the desert, were not at all adapted to protect against sand. These fences do not allow camels to go to the track. It is difficult to say that pulls animals to the hot asphalt, but literally a few kilometers in confirmation of the guide words, we saw the humpback representative of the fauna right on the road. The desert was inflated as much sand that he passed through a rather high fence and made something similar to a sandy bridge descent to the highway. Our driver stopped on the side of the road, took a long stick located immediately at two visors (and we thought for what she needed) and went on the road to drive the animal back to the desert. The camel was stubborn, but even more stubborn driver managed to drive him to the roadside, not without the help of a stick. Further on the way, we saw the ranks of the same houses, absolutely empty and the guide explained to us that these homes the government provides newlyweds, but no for Arab more shame, than to have the same house as a neighbor. I personally saw only a few rolled structures. Next, we drove into the water park, the usual average, but it was distinguished by the lack of alcohol, the presence of Indian cuisine and the fact that many girls who came there were bathed in clothes. Then there was a skating on the verachans, a five-storey house height. Wheels are fitted, the motor roars, the sanding glass throws the sand. Even with the air conditioner turned on, everything in the car has become hot from the splashing adrenaline.

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We no longer have time to ride on the buggy, it was necessary to go further to Abu Dhabi. Having arrived in the city, we first attempted at the hotel of the Jumeirah Etihad Hotels complex, and then rose to the chic looking site, although it seems that there are far objects from the heat in the smoky.

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But we still managed to do several gorgeous photos. Then we visited the island of the island of Saadyat from which plan to make a separate city and which is currently actively being built up. Further, we were examined, the truth is only outside, the majestic constructions of the Sheikh Zaid Mosque and went to the museum - the Park "Ethnographic village". Museum did not impress us very much. In addition to photographs of early emirates that could be viewed in the internet, we examined unobtrusive installation, as well as one of the highest flagpoles in the world.

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A much brighter show showed extremals-lovers on water bikes Garter around Cape. Al Bahar's paired tower tower crafts did not succeed and passing by a brightly illuminated local team stadium, where the match was going. We went to accommodate overnight.

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