Is it worth going to Figueres?


For recreation, Figueres is not intended. It is located far away from the sea. This is a small provincial town in Girona Province. From the coast, where the most popular resort areas of Costa Dorada and Costa Brava are located, at least an hour of ride. It depends in many respects from what town you will get. Despite the remoteness from the marine zone, Figueras is famous for the whole world thanks to the Great Surrealist Artist Salvador Dali. Here his homeland, here it was baptized, here he represented his first works. It was for this reason that he was given in the film on the site of the former theater, in which he worked as an artist, organized the theater-museum. This museum has attracted tourists from around the world every year. Excursions are regular here, as well as individual independent trips. The museum attracts even those who do not like and does not understand the creativity of the Great Genius, but Dali and was so. He created his unique painting school, sculpture. Its installations are famous, they are so creative that it is impossible to understand the whole idea of ​​them.

Being in Catalonia on vacation is worth highlighting the day and visit the famous museum. From among my friends, who visited here, there are those who did not like the exposition, but nevertheless, the impressions still remained. I have excellent impressions of the trip here. The museum is organized in full opposite from the traditional arrangement of museums. Here everything is as if turned over "over on the head". Everything you see here cannot but cause emotions. I have been extremely positive. Its famous puzzle paintings, the volumetric patterns that were given created using a modern stereoscopic effect time, now it is 3D images, installations, sculptures - all this is presented in the museum.

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There are also photos of the artist are also very extraordinary.

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Not only internally decoration of the museum leaves impressions, but everything that is in its territory. Gave himself developed the project, he himself took an active part in the construction and arrangement of everything you see here. Here in the museum he is buried. Anyone can come down on the ground floor and see the sarcophagus of the Great and Unique Salvador Dali.

Even if you are not a fan of artist's creativity, as an educated and cultural person, you will be interested and inquisitive to be here and see truly masterpieces. Children will also curious the excursion to the world Dali. It will be that tell your classmates.

There are no other attractions in Figueres. The town is small, which "lives" at the expense of tourists. Here are narrow streets, low-rise buildings. Near the museum, many cafes and restaurants, as well as souvenir shops. Everything, as in any other provincial Spanish town, if it were not for the Theater Museum.

You can come to Figueres from the resort zones of Costa Brava and Costa Dorada on the train to Girona, and then by bus to Figurys. The fare on the train at one end is 10 euros, by bus 10-12 euros, a ticket to the museum costs 12 euros. Total approximately it turns out 52 euros. For the cost of the road and the entrance ticket, it turns out even more than an organized guided tour. This cost me 48 euros. They will take away from the place of your holiday, they will bring there, and they still do not have to stand in line for a ticket to the museum. The only minus of such a trip is a limited time, because after a visit to the Fig, the tour continues in the castle Pubol - the residence of the wife of the artist Gang.

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