Excursions to Califer: What to see?


Resting in Greece in the area of ​​the Chalkidika Peninsula is not the first time. Already managed to visit many places, which are famous for the ancient attractions relating to the ancient period of the country's development. For me, rest in Eldead, this is not only the sea - the sun is the beach, but also the opportunity to see the story that we know thanks to the "myths of ancient Greece". I managed to make very interesting and informative tours to meteor, on Athos, see the famous Anthropological Museum Petralans, beauty and signs of thessaloniki. I did not dare to go to Athens, too far from Chalkidikov, and at the time of my arrival in the capital of Greece were riots. But in the direction of Athens to the area of ​​the ancient city of Dion and on Mount Olympus I went. How can you miss such a chance.

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Bought a tour in the village. The hotel guide has 50 euros, I went for 40. Discount is small, but pleasant. In hotels, the cost of tours is always somewhat cheaper, so you can buy those in the village in small travel firms. No one is deceiving. The only thing I can recommend, immediately say that you want to go only with Russian-speaking tourists and guide. International tourist groups are often completed. If you have a well-own foreign language, mainly Serbian, then there will be no problems. Why Serbian? Most of the tourists who prefer rest in Greece, including the village of Califa, from Serbia. They come here with huge families. Serbs economical people, so they buy tours outside hotels. Our tourists reinsurers, so small village agencies are mostly focused not on us. Hence the guides talking in Serbian.

A trip from Chalkidikov passes through thessaloniki around the circumferential road, and then in the direction of Athens to the city district of Paralia Katerini, known as "fur coil". In this city I came on my own. It is possible to rest here, however, the cost of living in hotels is an order of magnitude higher than on the peninsula and mostly food - only breakfast. Therefore, if you plan to buy fur coats, it is not necessary to stop here, you can come with Halkidikov.

Duration of sightseeing tour in Dion and Olympus for about 8 hours. Lunch in the price is not included. Ask for the departure of the lunch package and take water with you. You can eat in a roadside cafe. The cost per person is about 10-15 euros.

The first stop was in the ancient city of Dion. This is the city of Zeus, because the Zeus sounds like Dionysus in the Greek language. You can see the fortress walls, the foundation of the temple of Zeus, as well as the ancient theater of ancient Ellini, which is functioning today. Festivals are held here, many teams from Greece and foreign countries every year in the summer coming here and represent their own versions of the ancient Greek tragedies. In the Dion you can buy souvenirs. I collect decorative thimbles and for me, too, found a remarkable souvenir - thimbles with images of ancient Greek gods.

Next stop in a small town or this village - Litohoro. It is located right at the foot of the house of the gods - Mount Olympus. Attracted the trading shop, in which many very original souvenirs were collected, including a real clay dishes with ancient Greek painting.

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In Litohoro, silence, a feeling of complete calm, life here is measured here, and the locals are still engaged in winemaking and cattle breeding. Then the serpentine was taken to the mountains. Few people know, but Olympus is not one mountain, but a whole ridge with different vertices. Only of them allow only trained people, for the rest of tourists, on one of the lower vertices, there is a small campsite, it is possible to stay overnight and admire the views of the surroundings. But we, the tourist group, were brought by bus only to the observation deck, which is located approximately at an altitude of 1,100 meters above sea level and 18 kilometers from Litohoro. On the way, you can stay at the source and gain clean water from the mountain rivers.

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Next, the bus does not go. Here on the observation deck, you can sit for a cup of your favorite coffee with Greeks, Frappe and admire the Olympus. How can you envy those who live nearby. There is such a beauty that cannot be described by words. One of my randomly acquaintances on social networks of the Greek in the process of dialogue said that he was now sitting on the balcony, drinking coffee and admires Olympus. Nostalgia came at me immediately. So many strong impressions of the trip.

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To climb the vertex itself, it is still necessary to climb on a narrow path for three hours. To do this, it is necessary to have an appropriate equipment and take with you enough water. By the way, the campsite that is located on Olympus, water and products are donks, who daily make such long ascents.

Despite the duration of the journey and some fatigue, but pleasant, the trip was very impressed, I liked the content, richness of tours, as well as the excellent work of our guide. I noticed no one round, as far as the guides are informed and how much they are with warmth, trembling and a sense of patriotism belong to their homeland and monuments of ancient and mighty civilization.

For those who do not frighten long-term travel, and who loves history, this trip will be a holiday. Of course, you should not take small children. Many will have to walk on foot. For children, the cost of an excursion is about 20 euros. On the trip it is worth putting comfortable shoes, and if you plan to visit the temples in Dion, then you need the appropriate dress code. In the ladies in clothes should be closed shoulders and knees. Head covering not necessarily. Additional on the trip will be the costs of visiting the ancient part of the Dion - the entrance 6 euros and lunch is about 10-15 euros, well, a cup of coffee on the observation platform is about 3-5 euros. Everything else is included in the tour price.

On the way back, you can simply admire views from the bus. In the hotel you will be in the evening.

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