What are the interesting places worth a visit in Samsun?


Samsunm is a Turkish city, which is located in the north of this country. The city itself, was founded for a very long time, namely in the sixth century BC and in those days, he wore name - Amisos. And, since this city has a solid experience in the duration of its existence, there is a sufficient number of interesting places and attractions, and some of them are worth writing.

Ruins of Vesirkoprew Omaaagach Oren . The exact age of this place is unknown, but it is assumed that these ruins are here, not one thousand years. Kurgan Ohmaagach Hoyuk, once served as a place where trading caravans stayed on vacation.

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The ruins of the hill of Dundar Tepe (Oxjuyukuk Teppe) . This hill is located three kilometers from Samsun. At first glance, this area is not remarkable, but when you find out that in his depths, at the depths of fifteen meters, unique finds were found to the times of the semititis, bronze century and the Eneolyta, you start looking at the hill more interested glance.

The place of the ancient ruins in the Cave of Tekek . This place is located just one kilometer from the central part of the city. It is rightfully considered the oldest place, because traces of life from the distant Paleolithic period were found.

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A scientist, during the studies, managed to establish that the cave was expanded and was actively used by collectors of herbs and hunters. This locality is a protected area, since it is a large historical value for both the country and for all mankind.

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Tumulus Barutkhan (Archaeological Park) . This is a fully equipped for visiting tourists, place. There is this park in the attack that in the central part of Samsun. Present, two burials, one of which is on the south side, and the other on the North. There is a suspended cable car, the length of which is thirty-two meters. Around the suspension road, there are wooden paths for which you can walk enjoying an amazing panorama that opens a traveler's eyes.

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Museum of Archeology and Ethnography . The museum name speaks for itself and on exposure in particular. The most famous and valuable exhibit, there is a "Mosaic Amisos", which was made in 222-235 of our era, during the reign of Emperor Alexander Severus.

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Bandarma Vapuru (Ship Museum) . On May 19, 1919, in Samsun, on a steamer of Baryndarma, Wapuru, together with his associates, sailed Mustafa Kemal Pasha. The modern museum is an exact copy of the original steamer, both outside and inside.

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Museum of Gazi. . He is located on the street by Medzhidiya Juddessya, that in the quarter Kale Mahallesi, which is located in the central part of Samsun. In ancient times, the building of the current museum was called the name of the Palace. The museum was decided to open here for the reason that during his first visit Mustafa Kemal Pasha famous for the great commander, she lived here for six days.

ILK ADIM ANYTU (monument of the first step) . This monument is just enough to find, because it is on Samsun Ataturk Boulevards. The exposure and opening of the monument was timed to the one hundred years anniversary ataturk. The monument is dedicated to the first arrival of the Great Communion, together with its associates and like-minded people in Samsun.

Buyuk Jami (big mosque) . The mosque was built in 1884 Batumli Haji Ali. She is, not far from the Satchane Maidana Square, which in the quarter Kale Mahallesi. Surprises the architecture of the mosque, because it has a double minaret, but it is built, which is also not very interested, from the sawn stone. If you visit this mosque, be sure to pay attention to the wooden minbeer and sophisticated Marble Mihrab, as well as appreciate the geometric and plant motives, which are decorated with the whole mosque.

Mosque and Chapel Sheika Seyida Kudbettina . None in any source, it is not possible to find an accurate date of the construction of this mosque. However, it is known that it was built by order, which grandson Jami Abdulkadir and Geilani Hazretleri, whose life was recorded as 1078-1166, Sheikhe Seyid Kudbett. In the mosque, in addition to the chapel, there is also a tomb.

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