What excursions worth visiting Varadero?


Varadero is an amazing place, which is the most popular Cuban resort town after Havana. First-class hotels, restaurants, clubs, amazing beaches and historical sights and cultural objects, create a full-fledged recreation picture for every traveler. Life kicks here from early morning until the very late night, tourists want to see absolutely all the corner of this paradise place, because there are really many of them here. Just like excursions offered by both local Aboriginal and special sightseeing bureaus.

Marine Park Kayo-Piedras del Norte. The territory of the marine park is located near the barrier reef of the same name, just eight miles from Varadero. The park covers an area of ​​two square miles and offers unique conditions for diving and snorkeling (swimming with mask, flippers and tube). This place of the park was created back in the 1990s, when a number of ships and aircraft were specially flooded on the territory of the park, in order to create more beautiful conditions for diving and diving. When immersed, it seems that you are floating in antique places, among the frigates and ships, sunken airplanes, which in time begin to be covered with corals.

Sugar factory. Excursion to the factory talks about the process of cooking sugar when sugar creates from sugar cane. Factory's visitors can observe the process of its preparation, as well as excursors show reed plantations. It should be noted that absolutely all made sugar are not exported, and rum is made from it. Upon completion of the excursion, you can try drinks made from cane and directly by Rum.

Natural Park Vaoraikakos . In the area of ​​the Cuban city of Varadero, on the Ikakos Peninsula, there is a beautiful natural park called Varaikakos. It is on its territory that the ecosystem of the peninsula has been preserved best. The lands are of great popularity among tourists precisely because it is very beautiful here, and the park itself is under state defense. Moreover, there are about fifteen archaeological sites on the territory of the park, among whom Mangon's lagoon and Ambrosio and Muslim caves.

The Ambrosio cave discovered more than 70 squeezing pictures that recreate the solar calendar. There are also drawings of red and black pictograms, creating concentric circles. Surprisingly, the cave itself was formed by underwater waters, flushed niches in the rocks. A unique cave is the most important in the entire Caribbean.

Mineral salts were mined in Mangone, and in the caves Aboriginal Islands committed their rituals. Very beautiful landscapes, natural resources in combination with archaeological findings, from which tourists come delight.

What excursions worth visiting Varadero? 9837_1

The excursion includes a visit to the most landscape places of the park and the mandatory visit to some archaeological finds on its territory.

Village Guama. The Indian village is located in the province of Matanzas, in Varadero. The settlements of the Decolumbovoy Epoch live here. The village itself is in a very picturesque place, because it is surrounded by mangrove trees and Lake Laguna del Tereso. The place is quite secluded, the locals here are moving with the help of boats canoe and wooden bridges.

Among the few horses are placed sculptures that depict pictures from the daily life of the tribe.

What excursions worth visiting Varadero? 9837_2

The village of Guama is a conservation territory where rare birds, plants, reptiles are found.

What excursions worth visiting Varadero? 9837_3

On the territory of the village you can not only watch the life of a unique Indian tribe, but also stroll through the beach, soaring behind the corals, or just swim in crystal clear waters.

Villa Dupona. The villa represents, in this case, it is historical interest. Irene Dupont made a fortune during the First World War when he traded dynamite. Subsequently, his company began to produce lighters, nylon stockings and plastics. And in the 20s, Dupon managed to buy almost the entire Hikakos Peninsula. The land was divided into sections, and began to sell wealthy Americans. The infrastructure has become developed here, which created an elite village from the island, in which the locals worked exclusively by servants. But the building of the mansion himself was completed in 1929, and its value was more than a million dollars. In the villa building, an elevator was built, and there was a telephone connection. But in 1957, as a state of health, DuPont left his house, and afterwards the mansion nationalized the revolutionaries of Cuba.

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After the death of the owner in 1963, in the building of the villa opened a chic restaurant Las Americas.

Today, there are excursion tours, in which tourists can observe the location of the villas of the villa, its inner decoration. The balcony offers a magnificent view of the surroundings that can be photographed for memory. There is a saxophone, and offer to try cocktails in the bar.

Dolphinarium. It is located on a sufficiently large area so that the animals feel free and comfortable here. Dolphinarium in Varadero looks more like an oceanarium, because here the dolphins live in seawater, in a natural medium where a specialized reservoir connects to the sea.

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Dolphins participate in the show every day, which are very enchanting and attract not only the attention of adults, but also the smallest kids. Dolphins are performed here than flips, throw the balls, draw, dance, and perform other commands of experienced instructors. At the end of the speech, naturally at an additional cost, excursions can take pictures with dolphins, swim with them in the pool, or ask them to draw a picture individually for you. But it is worth considering that such additional services are quite expensive. Dolphinarium inhabitants are very emotional, sociable and friendly.

Colonial Havana. The excursion includes a visit to the historic center of Havana and the inspection of more modern urban areas, because Havana is located not far from Varadero himself. The cost of the excursion includes a comprehensive lunch.

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