What is interesting to see Figueres?


Figueres - Spanish city in Catalonia, is the capital of Alt-Emport District, which is in the province of Girona. Life in these places, boils for a long time and this is evidenced by the results of archaeological excavations, which were carried out in the nineteenth century. So, judging by the results of the research, in the sixth years BC, the communities lived in these places or, as another, it can be said, the tribes of the indiges. Amazing, right? Just imagine that people in those times could already do dishes from clay, which is very similar to modern ceramics. And, as you probably understood, for the reason that life here exists already long enough, then there should be enough interesting places in theory. So it really is. Let's not walk around, but we will make a small virtual walk through the most notable places, the city of Figueres.

Fortress (Castle) San Ferran . This defensive structure is located on Pujada Castell Street, if more accurately, then at its very end. The castle was built in those times when Spain, Rules King Fernando VI Spanish. Above the fortress project, engineer Huang Martin worked. Construction of the structure was completed on September 4, 1753. The construction of walls and defensive fortifications, thirteen lasted and about four thousand people worked on this work. If we talk about the interior, then they did not hurry with these works and they continued until 1792. I will not describe the entire external power of this building, I will just say that it really amazes. Also, I just can't not notice, the striking fact that under the fortress is a water storage tank and its volume is twelve thousand square meters. In the entire history of his existence, the castle did not see any battles and his walls directly satuled with interesting stories, but the guide will tell you better than this. Yes, really this fortress can be visited since since July of the month of 1997, its doors are open to visitors. And finally. Remember the sensational movie "Perfume"? So, this building has served as an interior in this, a dream-free film.

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Museum toys Catalonia . The word toys is always associated with childhood, so happy and serene. Finding into this museum, plunge into the most real fairy tale, because there are all sorts of toys as exhibits, which were the dream of your childhood. This is a kind of, paradise, both for already quite adults and quite respectable people and for the pushed baby. The opening date of the museum is 1982. Previously, in this place, the Paris Hotel was located, which was a generic estate of Barona de Terrades.

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Museum of technology L'Emport . As exhibits, the museum collected and exposed to everyone, the most incredible and some degrees of inventions, such as sewing and writing machines of different shapes and configurations. In total, in the halls of the museum, it was exhibited to demonstrate visitors, about three thousand interesting copies, but in its depths, carefully stored about sixteen thousand, the most incredible things.

Museum Emport. . The most that neither is, the classic museum. Here, as exhibits, the canvas of famous artists, sculptures and miniatures performed by talented sculptors are exhibited. This museum stands out, against the background of all other museums by the fact that it is essentially the oldest of all museums in the city, since it was founded in 1876. When entering the museum building, you will begin to familiarize yourself with historical facts and relics from the review found during archaeological excavations, finds that allegedly belong to the era of Alto Ampurdan. Next, you will be provided with a unique opportunity, you can learn a little closer than the times relating to the Middle Ages. Luxury and mysterious, canvas of such amazing artists as a breatha, Marty Alsina, Casasa, Himeno, Masrier, Mares, Kasanovas, Pinaso, Nonall, Berg-and-Boiks, Gargalo, Peace, Sanyer, Dunycha, and others, bring a romantic attitude, but The work of avant-gardeists, on the contrary, inhales in our mind life and a bright example of this example, the creations of such artists as Pons-I-Kirchanta and Tapias.

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Salvador Dali Theater Museum . The museum was opened in 1974. It's amazing that the building in which the museum is now is, chose a legendary artist, personally. As a rule, museums in honor of the famous people who left a trace in history, open and are based after the death of these, and here such a knee, but in this it is all, mysterious and impulsive, extraordinary Salvador Dali. The building, for his own museum, the artist chose the most thorough and picky manner, and finally his choice fell on the construction of 1850, which once was the city theater.

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The building was performed in the neoclassical style and the architect Jozep Rocaub worked on its creation. In 1966, repair work began in the building to restore the structure and reworking it under the style of the artist and his canvases. Not far from the museum, there is a building that called Torre Galatea, and it was in him that the artist Salvador Dali, spent the rest of his days. After death, the famous artist, the building was alone also in the museum, but only now it is another name - the Museum and the Gala Dali Foundation. By the way, the artist buried in his theater - the museum. Yes, it is here in a crypt, his remains rest. Everyone can visit the artist's assflection, but two important points should be taken into account. Entrance to the crypt is expensive and is eleven thousand euros. And, here is a second no less important point, you will probably surprise at least. The fact is that the legendary artist, so many fans that get into his tomb, even if they are so much more difficult for such a huge money, so if you all target the indispensable visit to the tomb, I advise you to leave as early as possible in the morning, and Best at night, then there is a possibility that you still get into place, which is the last refuge of this great with a capital letter, man.

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