Where to go on chalkidiki and what to see?


Chalkidiki is, above all, the most popular resort area. Monuments of ancient culture and architecture on the peninsula are not too much. Most of them are focused outside Chalkidikov, in particular, in thessaloniki, Dion, Athens and other major cities. However, on the peninsula there are its own signs, they are not much, but being here on vacation it is worth seeing, especially since it is not so far away.

If you are attracted by excursions with historical orientation, then choose a trip to Athos and Petralon. I'll tell you a little about each of them.

Athos is the third "finger" of the Halkidiki Peninsula. It is not intended for a tourist holiday for the reason that there is perhaps the largest monastic complex of Greece. But you can see the famous Athos monasteries with their own eyes. For tourists organized sea cruise on a two-layer ship along the banks of Athos. You can buy such a tour as a hotel as well as in the villages where you relax. They have many small travel firms. No one is deceiving, so you can safely buy a tour and save on the trip.

I rested on Cassandra and let Eston took about an hour. In fact, I traveled throughout the peninsula from his first "finger" to the third. The trip lasted about two hours. During this time, a number of monasteries managed to see from the deck of the ship, including our Russian monastery of St. Panteleimon. The guide told that when it was construction, one worker fell from a high height, but did not receive a single injury. In the monastery, rich decoration, supposedly even door handles are covered with gold. Outwardly, the monastery of St. Panteleimon looks more pileous than the rest. Its green dome is immediately visible and confused with other buildings is simply impossible.

At the end of the tour, it was possible to spend the rest of the time in Uranopulis - the city whose name in the translation means "Heavenly City". In it, you can buy souvenirs of religious orientation - icons, suspensions with the image of saints. All this is permitted to export.

The second sign excursion was in the cave Petraleans. Petralon is a small village located on Cassandra in proximity to thessalonikov. No one would have learned about this cave if not a local resident who discovered it in the middle of the last century. Already later, during the excavations, scientists discovered the remains of an ancient person - archantrop, ancient animals, whose statues can be seen in the territory near the cave, as well as tools and objects of life of people, the first hearth.

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It is preserved in the Anthropological Museum, which is organized right there. You can either climb on the cave or see the beauty of this part of the country, or raise on a small tourist bus.

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Buses that bring tourists remain at the foot of the mountain. It was in the mountain part that the cave was found. During the excursion, you will visit the Museum and Cave. It's nice to have warm things, inside it is very cold. Unfortunately, photographing inside is not allowed. In the cave, stalactites and stalagmites are immediately recreated the scenes of the life of ancient people. Interesting and informative. Children will also visit Petralon nice. This is the history of mankind, it will be what to tell with its disposal.

On the way to Petralon, it was unexpectedly to see the structure, which is a copy of the Moscow Kremlin. This is a hotel and is called Sremlino.

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In this area there is an active construction of houses. Here, oddly enough, very expensive real estate, despite the distance from the sea.

What else can you look at Chalkidiki? It is worth visiting Neo Callicism and not only because they sell fur coats there, but also because in this city wonderful sandy beaches. In most parts of the villages - small pebbles. By the way, most of the beaches on Chalkidiki have a blue flag, symbolizing purity and beach and water.

If you relax in Cassandra, you should visit Sitonia. On Sithonia, richer nature, and in the village under the interesting name of metamorphosis, excellent sandy beaches. In addition, there is a "second" finger of Chalkidikov and the remains of the ancient temple (basilica) Sofronios dated 5th century of our era.

In Greece, everything is really there. Even in the recreation area, you can see so many interesting places that far beyond the peninsula can not ride. You can travel on your own, renting the car or with a tourist group. Any journey is an opportunity to touch the history of the Great and Ancient Eldla.

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