Features of rest in Santander


Santander could be called an ordinary resort on the coast of the Atristic Ocean if it were not for the number of diverse pastime options, which attract a lot of tourists from all over the world.

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Beach rest

The real pride of the resort is the purest beaches. Their total number of more than 10! Surprisingly, but with all the crowded, you can find absolutely solitary location here. Beach "Playa de Langre" (Langre (Ribamontan Al Mar), Somo - Las Arenas) just like this. Minus - the lack of infrastructure is a plus for those who love silence, peace and complete dissolution in nature. And here "PLAYA DE EL PUNTAL" (Somo (Ribamontan Al Mar) is already full of life, fun and noise. This beach is loved by the surfers and lovers to skip the cup, the other behind the bar, admiring the sunset. By the way, it is on the "Playa De El Puntal" there is a place where nudists sunbathe . The huge plus of Santander's beach zones is the ability to choose your beach. Here there is both wonderful sandy beaches with a gentle bottom, and rocky, attracting various fish, which can be seen simply engaged in snorkeling. Amazingly clean, transparent water allows you to watch the underwater world for several meters To the depth. Fishing, walking on the yacht, diving and surfing - all these entertainment gives the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

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The richest history of the city is another of the reasons to visit Santander. A large number of magnificent churches built in various architectural styles: Baroque, Gothic, Neoetics, Renaissance. And the cathedral "CATHEDRAL SANTANDER" (Santander, 39002) - Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - truly pearl of the city.

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The cathedral is restored after a terrible fire in the city in 1941. The only thing that survived in the entire building is the bottom (crypt), built in the XIII century. The Cathedral stores the relics of Saints Senalonia and Emeteria.

Royal Palace "Palacio Real De La Magdalena" (Avenida De La Magdalena, S / N, 39005) is the main attraction of Santander. This is a historic monument that did not lose its original purpose.

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For many tourists, it is simply amazing that this is how - without any stops and lights, you can safely approach the residence of the king, take a walk to the popard, inspect the architecture of the building.

The historic center affected after a terrible fire, in the 50s of the last century was rebuilt again. Many buildings were reconstructed. Santander is rich in park areas, museums, various monuments, sometimes funny. Citizens are very proud of unusually composition "Monumento a los raqueros" (Bahia de Santander, Entre El Palacete Del Embarcadero Y El Club Náutico de Santander).

Features of rest in Santander 9829_5

Sculptures look so realistically that passing by and accidentally encroaching on them, tourists remain here for a long time. This group of 4 people love to photograph from different angles, and local fishermen early in the morning (when all travelers are sleeping) use the statues to fix fishing gear.

Entertainment and nightlife

Favorite fun tourists - Casino "Gran Casino Sardinero" (Plaza de Italia S / N), working as much as since 1916.

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We visited in Mecca gambling people - Las Vegas, most likely be disappointed. There is a very small gambling zone here, but everything you need is: black jack, roulette and poker tables, as well as the hall of the gaming devices. The casino restaurant is known for its excellent cuisine, and the casino building itself serves as a periodically exhibition center, where you can get acquainted with the canvas of young Spanish artists.

To plunge into the evening cycle of the fun, you just need to go out into the street in the dark time. Bars and restaurants ignite neon showcases, and the aroma of cooked dishes is still pulling to sit down.

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Literally in all restaurants there are wine cellars. If you want to taste the freshest marine delicacies, go to the port - it is there that you can take a soul, tasting various dishes from fish, squid, oysters and other submarine inhabitants.

Santander is a wonderful resort for all ages. You can come here at any time of the year. A mixture of active and passive recreation, from natural and man-made beauty, from noisy bars and quiet secluded beaches - is it not a paradise for a traveler. Here everyone will find its own corner in which he will feel complete harmony and peace.

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