What is interesting to see Nizhny Novgorod?


For a person of arrived, Nizhny Novgorod is of particular interest in his middle, the historical part, which begins from the Big Pokrovskaya Street and to the Embankment itself.

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I have come to be in the city more than once. Most often, my trips were associated with business trips and just twice I came here on my own initiative, so to speak, as part of a weekend tour.

In every self-respecting city there are hiking streets, and this is not a narrow street, but a wide and extended boulevard. Such streets are in Moscow (Arbat), in St. Petersburg (large Moscow, small stable and others), Barcelona (La Rambla). Unlike all other Pokrovka, as this street called the people, once was the noble and already in the 18th century there was the main city street paved by cobblestones. Now it remains the center of the city, its main attraction.

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Along the street there are various buildings. These are the buildings of theaters, a cinema, there are many modern shops, cafes and restaurants, as well as the largest store of souvenirs. It attracts a large mass of tourists. Here you can purchase original Russian souvenirs, such as the famous boxes made of Phane, wooden utensils with Gorodetskoy painting, products from Mstera, Russians Shawl. Foreign tourists are especially welcome to such a variety. And we, the Russians, are not averse to please yourself with such a gift that will not only become a decoration of the house, but once again remind you of what talented masters live on Russian Earth. It is very nice that such folk crafts are still alive.

Theaters of Nizhny Novgorod should be visited. Here are excellent collectives and wonderful productions. Many of my colleagues with whom I had to be on a business trip, spent their free time in the theater. I will not call yourself theater, but the impressions of viewing the performance remained extremely positive. We are talking about the theater. A.M. Gorky. If you are traveling on Lower Novgorod with children, then you should not pass by the doll theater. It will be interesting not only to the younger generation, but also adults.

Walking on the cover, it is necessary to admire the old facades of the building of the Noble Assembly, as well as the State Bank. Many facades are decorated with bronze figures of cats, birds. Yes, and on the most pedestrian street, many such statues.

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They are always in the spotlight and many tourists arrange entire photo sessions with them. And on the theater area, on the bench you can see the monument to E. Evstigneev - the famous and beloved many actor. Novgorod his hometown.

Big Pokrovka ends and after it begins the architectural complex of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin.

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It is located on the so-called Volga slopes. This stone city with the walls with a length of over 2 thousand meters was simultaneously defensive fortress with its acting garrison. Now there is a museum of military equipment under the open-air museum.

The Kremlin has several towers creating a closed space. Dmitrievskaya's most famous of them, it is just visible immediately when leaving with placker, but the Ivanovo Tower has a nabotic bell. Its weight is about 6 tons. There is a believer that it was near this bell that the call to Minin was called to Nizhny Novgorod on the collection of money for the fight against the Polish invaders.

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On the territory there is a building of former first places in which the Legislative Assembly of the region is currently located. There are temples in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. Among them, the Archangel Cathedral, it is possible to learn it according to the pointed domes of green.

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If you go deep into, you will certainly get to the eternal fire. He was established in honor of the fallen in the Great Patriotic War.

Nizhny Novgorod has its own monument to Minin and D. Forensky. It is a reduced copy of the monument on Red Square in Moscow. Such a coincidence is not accidental. It is in Nizhny Novgorod that Prince Dmitry Pozhasky raised the army and made Moscow, in order to free the capital from Polish intervents. Therefore, originally the monument wanted to install here. However, Tsar Alexander 1 ordered the erection of the monument in Moscow and already in our 2000s, he was erected in Novgorod. A monument is located near the church of Christmas John the Forerunner.

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You should not be limited to visiting the Kremlin, and follow the embankment. How can you deprive yourself to see the famous braid, where two rivers Ob and Volga converge. Unfortunately, I could not have fun and ride along the cable car through the Volga. I certainly eliminate this gap in the next arrival.

It seems that, being in some place more than once, you know all his corners, but it is not. So Nizhny Novgorod each time opens in a new way. It is impossible to thoroughly study all the features and see all its sights.

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