What is interesting to see Alassio?


Alassio-made italian resort in an hour from Genoa and a half hours drive from French Nice. The city is very beautiful and romantic. And, except that there can be luxuriously relax and beautifully tanned, you can visit local attractions there.

Murtto (Muretto)

What is interesting to see Alassio? 9823_1

What is interesting to see Alassio? 9823_2

This is the symbol of the city itself and the place where it is precisely worth looking during your trip. In essence, this is a wall decorated with the names of art stars, sports and show business, which were in Alassio (in the second half of the last century). It all started with Hamingway, who also somehow visited the town. Such an event could not be perpetuated - and here the urban wall began to hang multi-colored tiles with names and paintings of famous visitors. That was the 51st year. A quartet of Chetra (Quartetto Cetra, the Italian Quartet, formed in the 40s) and the singer Kozimo di Chelay left his trail here. This is the simple wall around the city garden, it became literally "Alley Stars". On the wall today you can see the names of these stars as Adriano Celentano, French writer and director Jean Cocteo, Italian Director and actor Vittorio de Siki, Swedish photo model and actress Anita Ekberg, Norwegian traveler and academic Tour Heyerdal, Italian designer Valentino, actor and director Hugo Tyunyatsy , members of the football Italian national team (who won the world championship in 1982) and many others. This wall is also a symbol of lovers - February 14, couples in love just adore here to gather. From the middle of the last century in the city, the beauty contest "Miss Muretta" is held. Look for this wall near the cafe "Caffè Roma".

Church of Madonna Della Guardia (Madonna Della Guardia)

What is interesting to see Alassio? 9823_3

The official name of the Church - Santissima Maria Della Guardia. There is a church on Mount Tiraso. The church was built sailors and fishermen in about the 13th century on the ruins of the early conduction castle. At this place was previously located "Castram" - a military settlement in which the soldiers who guarded the road running nearby were lived. By the way, this church was originally called Stella Maris - the star of the seas.

Interior decoration consists of three features, which are separated from each other by columns, in the center there is a marble statue of heavenly guard. Its lattern wooden composition Madonna Della Gardia, dating from 1490th year. The marble altar was built in the 17th century, and the arch of the central neopa is covered with frescoes of the mid-19th century. And, of course, the luxurious throne and the organ of the 19th century. Around the church - picturesque park.

Address: Monte Tirasso, Alassio Savona (20 minutes to north from the center of Alassio)

Church of Santa Anna Ai Monti (Chiesa di Sant'anna Ai Monti)

What is interesting to see Alassio? 9823_4

It is believed that this is one of the first sacred buildings of Alassio. He was built in the 940th year of the Benedictine monks from the island of Glinary as the parish church (which he was until 1507). In the reasons of Napoleon, the church was safely sold, and the new owners turned it into ... Store. And later, they were abandoned at all until the church turned almost into ruins. Only forty years ago, the city authorities gave an order about the restoration of the church, and then the church was re-consecrated. The most interesting finds of the church are ancient frescoes on the left wall of the portico, which depict Christ of the Pantokrator in the Walnut Shell, surrounded by the Saints. Close one can see the fresco of "deliverance of angels", which draws damned people in hell. The facade found part of the fresco with Holy Anna - the frescoes dates back to the 15th century. The church belongs to individuals and is not at all good condition.

Address: Via Julia Augusta (10 minutes drive from the center of Alassio east along the coast)

Gallina Isola (Isola di Gallinara)

What is interesting to see Alassio? 9823_5

What is interesting to see Alassio? 9823_6

Area island, not more than 11 hectares. It is located at the coast of the Ligurian Riviera, about Alassio and Albenga. The value of the island is that this is a natural reserve with rare Mediterranean plants. "Galline" is what the Italians of wild chickens are called, which were used here earlier than a huge amount. Many centuries ago, the monks of the Order of the Benedictians lived on the island, so the ruins of their monastery are located on the island. But the 10th centuries ago this temple was one of the biggest and rich in the whole Riviera. However, by the 13-15th centuries, this temple has lost its importance, and in the 19th century the island left the last monks, and the island simply sold to a private person. But the island can be visited. It is possible, for example, to admire the round tower of the 16th century, which served to protect against pirates, and a small neo-neutic church. But the main beauty of the island is in its nature. Here, by the way, silvery seagulls live, and the island is the main place in the northern part of the Tyrrhenian Sea, where these birds have taken root and actively multiply. At the shore and in the forests there are rare reptiles, in coastal waters - marine daisies - huge yellow sponges. Therefore, Diving is actively practiced off the coast of the island. True, only with a guide: there are still bombs in the waters of World War II and wreckage of shipwrecks. For these cases, there are two diving center on the island. Parts of the ancient Roman ships that have stopped near the island are disassembled by exhibits in different museums (in particular, you can see Albenga Museum.

Church of Sant Ambrodhio (Chiesa di Sant Ambrogio)

The church stands on the Square of the same name in the heart of Alassio. It was erected in the 15th century on the ruins of the church of the 10th century. At first, the church was built in the Romanesque style, but in the 18th century they were converted under Baroque. But the bell tower of the church and its fittings are made in a romano-gothic style, while the facade is in the Renaissance style. It is difficult to imagine, it is better to see once. The main portal is impressive, which was built at the beginning of the 16th century from stone, with reliefs depicting Saint Ambrjio, Christ and Apostles. Inside the church you can see the frescoes on religious themes. Also in the church there is a daochrantee from black marble, decorated with engraving 15th century, in which the relics "Corpi Santi" are stored. The courtyard in front of the church is also very beautiful, he was broken in 1638. On the ground - white and gray pebbles. Near the church you can also see the chapel of Santa Katerina D'Isendria.

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