What is interesting to see Almeria?


Almeria is located in southeast of Spain, about a couple of hours drive from Granada. This coastal city is not big, but not small - about 190 thousand people live here. If you were lucky enough to be in this beautiful town, then you will definitely visit the following sights.

Archaeological Museum of Almeria (Museo de Almeria)

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The fact that the city is needed by the Archaeological Museum, the authorities thought at the beginning of the 19th century. It hurts a lot of exhibits accumulated. For example, by 1837, 196 paintings were collected from different monasteries in the district, a whole mountain of vintage coins and a number of tombstones, as well as jewelry and dishes, which were used during the time of the Arab tool in Spain. But all this is good and remained to lie "not for the eyes of human", the museum did not open. And later, part of the exhibits "mocked" throughout Spain, to other museums and some of them went abroad.

The Museum was revealed in 1933, and he was in the building of the Research Institute. The first exhibits that were placed there were finds during the excavations in the almeria itself and the nearest regions. After fortyly, the museum was specifically expanded (thanks to cooperation with local cultural phones) and even moved to the college building of the Holy Virgin Mary Del Mar. After another 20 years, a new museum building was built, quite modern, with spacious halls, clear lines and minimalist design. Here it is to this day. In the museum you can admire the finds from the paleolithic era to the period of the Mauritanian rule on the Pyrenean Peninsula.

How to get there: Stop Calle Federico García Lorca (Buses 2, 6, 7, 12, 18); Stop Delegación Provincial de Salud (buses 2, 5, 6, 11, 20 and 30). Nearest parking is Avenida García Lorca and Rambla Del Obispo Orberá.

Holy Mary Magdalena Hospital (Hospital de Santa Maria Magdalena)

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This building is located in the center of Almeria, not far from the Cathedral. It should be noted that this is the only conservation architecture of the 16th century in Almeria. The construction began thanks to the bishop of Diego Fernandez Villalan. The building was built for almost 9 years and ended in 1556. Construction headed sufficiently well-known architects and architects of the region.

The hospital complex consists of 3 structures - hospital, chapel and shelter. Together, these three buildings in the style of revival form a composition in the form of a Latin letter U. Of course, from the 16th century, the building was rebuilt a couple more times and reconstructed, however, the main facade turned to the north. The southern part of the hospital (which was completed by the 18th century) were built in neoclassical style. Interestingly, the bottom floor is made of large peeling stones, and the upper - from fine pebbles, while the corners laid out of the brick. The chapel with one Neum was completed to build in 1885. The shelter was built earlier for 8 years than the chapel. This is a two-story building with a pretty patio. Of course, such an old and beautiful building is shuffled and cherished today. Holy Mary Magdalena Hospital is considered a cultural monument of Almeria.

Address: Plaza Doctor Gómez Campana

Alcazaba Fortress

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This fortress stands on a picturesque hill in Almeria. "Alcasaba" translated from the Arab "Al-Qasbah" means a construction from fortress walls in the city. This castle was erected at the end of the 10th century, and today is the most important fortress of the period of the Mauritanian rule on the Pyrenees. Since the hill on which the fortress is worthwhile is quite high, the fortress survived many attacks of enemies and preserved well to the present day. In 1477, Fort took the Christian king of Alfonso VII, but after some time the Arabs again walked the native walls. However, a few years later, at the end of the 15th century, the fortress finally moved "under the ward" of the Christian royal family. In the first years of the last century, Fort was renovated. The fortress consists of two rows of fortress walls, followed by a triangular palace, terraces, fruit gardens. Interesting water supply system - well, fountain and water tank. Also on the territory of the fortress there are two museums dedicated to the history of the fortress. Since 1933, the fortress is considered to be a national architectural property and since then he has the status of a monument. There is this fortress of 600 meters from the Cathedral of Almeria (if you follow North-West on the street Ramon Castilla Perez).

Almeria Cathedral (Catedral De La Encarnacion De Almeria)

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This cathedral began to be built in 1522, almost immediately after a terrible earthquake occurred, an urban temple from the face. Late Gothic Cathedral was finally completed by 1564. Interestingly, the architect (very famous in those days, not one building in the city) introduced the elements characteristic of the Renaissance for the era of the Renaissance into the external and inner appearance of the cathedral.

On the facade of the cathedral, you can see turrets, teeth and counterphorties (the protruding part of the walls, which are characteristic of most of the roman style of architecture) - because of this, the whole temple looks very powerful, almost like a fortress some. By the way, he really performed a defensive function once and she was hidden from Arab attacks. Well, from pirates. Impressive portal in the style of Renaissance: It is an army with columns and niches, with bas-reliefs on military topics. Inside, the retabllo draws attention to the main chapel (Spanish altar to ceiling) in gothic styles and baroque. And on the facade of Capella, you can see the bas-relief, which is at all the symbol of the city - it depicts the sun with a human face and wavy ribbons instead of rays.

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Address: Plaza de la Catedral, 1

Los Millares

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This is ancient settlement 17 km from Almeria. The city, stretching in the territory of 2 hectares, was the creation of presumably in the 4th century and existed until the end of the 2nd century BC. The town on a high plateau at the Andara River was a house for 1 thousand people in its best times. About the existence of settlements found out in 1891, when the railway began to build a railway. Immediately, excavations were organized, which are slowly conducted today.

The town was quite traditional, with walls that defended local residents and cemetery. Scientists assume that the locals were actively engaged in agriculture, the production of ceramics and even treated metals and melted copper! On the territory found many weapons, labor tools from stone and copper, decorations, dishes, even fragments of tissues. That is, life here was sometime and boiled. Today is only gloomy ruins.

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