The most interesting places in the Ulan Bator.


In Mongolia I was able to be only one day at work. After five days of staying in the train "Moscow - Ulan-Bator" I found myself in the capital. The city did not seem to me overseas. The fact is that the Soviet builders were built at one time at one time. You can see entire quarters of houses to pain architecturally familiar to the Russian person. Such a lot in any Russian city, because by the same projects were erected at home. There are on the background of such buildings and highly modern buildings of banks, skyscrapers. This is already a trend from China.

The most interesting places in the Ulan Bator. 9786_1

The city develops in terms of construction quite dynamically. On the streets and squares many construction equipment. The city wants to become the type of European and all the chances of it he has. Mongolia is generally a country of contrasts. It is very loved by the products and cosmetics brought from Russia, and as for the rest, most of the equipment here from China. There are yurts and near them high-rise buildings.

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You can meet a lot of local residents walking around the city in the National Mongolian costume. Here, the dissertation is broadcast on television. It would be possible to submit such to us, so all the days would have been watching only it.

The main square of Ulan Bator is a peculiar analog of Red Square in Moscow. The monument to the Great Schukh Batar was established here - the head of the Mongolian revolution of 1921. Very close in the square - a monument to V.Lenin. Immediately on the Sche Bator's Mausoleum Square and the Parliament Building.

Everything is in the style of constructivism, as, in fact, in our country during the period of the socialist past. I noticed that in the evening, the monument to the Grand Leader likes to gather local youth. Here on the square ride on skates, rollers, sing under the guitar.

What is worth a visit to a person to see in Ulan Bator? You can start your hiking from the Schuz Bator area. Immediately there is a historical museum building with an interesting exposure. For a cultural person, it will be interesting to visit him.

To make purchases immediately near the central shopping center, previously department store. Here on several floors you can purchase famous Mongolian products from felt, cashmere, Tarbagana fur coats (Mix and mink mixture), all souvenirs, dishes, clothes and more.

As such a large production of anything in Ulan-Bator. If you wish to purchase original things from Cashmere, it will be better to go to the Gobi factory. It is in some removal from the center, so you will have to use public transport. True, it goes very strange here. A number of people are hampered to the minibus that the diva is given as they are placed everything there. Go better on buses. The rules here, however, no one keeps, drive, as they want, express their dissatisfaction with signals, beeps or screams. On "Gobi" you can buy high-quality products from Cashmere - Sweaters, sweaters. Quality at height, but as for the design, then so-so. The cost of products is small. Upon me, a group of tourists from Japan bought things a little bit of bags. I also made the acquisition. Cashmere sweater cost me $ 12.

Good purchases can be made in the Blue Sky shopping center, which is some remoteness from the center.

Many in the Ulan-Bator temples. Tourists are letting them. The temple of Gandan is especially remembered. Inside him a huge height statue, approximately with a five-storey house. At the temple there is an astrological school and kindergarten.

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I received a special impression from a visit to the Memorial Complex Zaisan, located in the mountainous part on the outskirts of the city. It is built in memory of Russian soldiers who fought at Chalchin-goal. Walking around the city in the company of friends, we just went somewhere forward and went down to the race. The monument itself is located on the mountain. Rise there along the steps of 15-20 minutes. Opens the river Tola and the city.

The most interesting places in the Ulan Bator. 9786_4

There is a circus in Ulan-Bator, as well as theater. Surprised the strange neighborhood with the building of the theater of local toilets, architecturally weathered in the style of the Buddhist temple (roof with curved ends).

The most interesting places in the Ulan Bator. 9786_5

Eating in Ulan Bator can be delicious in any cafe. That's where you can still taste the real sausage. I really liked Bouses. These are large dumplings cooked for a couple. Something like Georgian Hinkali, which I was very loved after visiting Georgia. But green tea with milk is clearly not in my taste.

In the Ulan-Bataror right in the courtyards of houses you can see billiard tables. Mongols avid players on billiards, as well as lovers to hurt with cedar nuts. The husk from them everywhere, enter and hear the crunch under the legs.

In general, the impressions of the trip to this city remained positive. There are many of them, because in addition to Ulan Batar managed to visit the National Park. There, the nature of the famous Dinosaur Valley, the caves in which the Mongols were hiding, subjected to repression by the authorities and a lot more noteworthy.

The most interesting places in the Ulan Bator. 9786_6

I remember near the boost of stones and count (or spear) in his center. Immediately remembered the long-standing advertising about Tamerlana warriors. Everyone who leaves the city must throw their stone. This is such a tradition. True, in addition to stones were noticed and someone's crutches.

A unique country with its own businesses, which not every Europeans is given to understand.

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