Excursions to Manavgat


Manavgat is the city, and the river and the name of the waterfall. Manavgat is rightfully considered to be the resort zone of the Antalya coast, but since the rest is mainly river there, then it is not interesting to stop there. But come there for a review, familiarization with the sights of this area, as well as to relax from the everlasting sun, necessitate. This is an excellent opportunity to change the sea landscape on the river, spend time in restaurants under the shadow of the trees and enjoy the taste of cacti, which are traded there with local boys.

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Among the most popular excursions in the area of ​​Manavgata, which also offer hotel guides and travel agencies selling various tours in tourist towns and towns is a trip to the waterfall and cruise on the boat along the Manya River, and then access to the sea. Was in both tours that bought in the Injek, so I want to share information and impressions.

As for the trip to the waterfall, the cost cost about $ 35. Waterfall in Manavgate is not a natural phenomenon, but actually the creation of man's hands. It was formed as a result of the structure of the dam on the River Manavgat. The length of the waterfall is about 40 meters, and the height is relatively small 2-3 meters. Water here is emerald color.

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Near the waterfall "divided" the park. You can admire the other beauties. Wander through a narrow winding streets, look at the swimming of local ducks, or spend time in a cafe overlooking the water liters.

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All tourists for some reason attracted cats. In contrast to their relatives living in Russia, they have a triangular face of face. It seems to be the same cats, but no - other, foreign.

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I advise you to try cactus. They are sold right there in the park. All will be cleaned, so you do not have to experience inconvenience from the cleaning process. As the great Arkady Rykin said: - "Specific taste".

What a tour and no souvenirs. In the park they can also be purchased, however, prices are much higher than on the coast.

The second is no less attractive and interesting - this is a tour of the Manavgat River with access to the sea. You are brought by a group on a tourist bus, transplant to the ship. There is such a trip about 35-40 dollars for an adult and $ 20 for a child. Lunch is included in the price, and drinks separately. But this rule takes place throughout Turkey. Drinks are business.

The ship filled with lively tourists first goes along the river.

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Along the shores it will be possible to see the settlements of each other, fish farms in which trout are grown. It is this fish that you will get to dinner with a different garnish.

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In the trees that their branches fall into the water, you can notice the turtles. They cause a stormy delight among tourists and, everything as one is immediately taken for the photo and video cameras.

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Next, the culmination of the river cruise is a spit separating the river from the Mediterranean Sea.

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There are stopping. You can go out and even swim first in fresh water, then run over the braid and plunge into sea water. In fresh water, we decided to take water baths not all. Temperature in Manavgate is 16 degrees, and at sea 28-30. I preferred to be an observer.

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After the stop, the ship continues to move towards the historical part of Side. Here mono see the remains of the temple of Apollo, as well as fragments of other ancient buildings.

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You can buy souvenirs with the types of ancient Side. The most chassis from our tourist group turned out to be clay plates.

I want to say that the ship was not only tourists from Russia, but also Germany, Poland, Serbia, England. Therefore, the guides were somewhat and the narration we listened in different languages, but it did not bother anything.

The whole excursion takes about 4 hours, with an expensive more plus 2 hours depending on where you are coming from. On the way back on the ship an idea is organized. We performed the Turkish woman who performed the belly dance. Those tourists who still remained forces were also in dance, others who fell into pleasant fatigue were passive observers.

The hotel will be for dinner. There were many children on the trip, rest for them is also cognitive and interesting.

You can go to the manavgat and independently, for example, renting a car. Since I already visited the waterfall and the river, then the city of Manavgat himself decided to visit the third arrival. Largely from the third after Antalya and Alanya. There are also many interesting and notable places here. The most signal attraction of the city is a big mosque with five minarets.

It is interesting and informative to see something new, especially in such a country as Turkey. She is rich in historical past and will be movieton to be here and not see this story, especially when it is so close.

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