What can I buy in Castoria?


The city of Castoria is located in a remote position from the most popular resort area - Chalkidiki, where most tourists are resting, including those who come from Russia. But the castor is of particular interest for tourists for the reason that this city is called "furious paradise." There are a lot of fur coat factories and respectively shopping cents and shops in which you can purchase a real Greek coat. You can buy a fur coat on the coast of the Aegean Sea in resort villages, but there is a high probability of acquiring Chinese fake. Therefore, if you planned the purchase of a fur coat, then do not regret the time and go to the shopping in the castor.

What can I buy in Castoria? 9767_1

There are two options for shopping, everyone has its pros and cons.

The first option is a shopping tour. The cost of a trip to the mini bus is a small group of tourists with a guide costs 30 euros. Duration on the way about 5 hours. You are brought and will be brought, they are also delivered by a number of fur coat stores and a visit to one fur coat factory is also included. The minus of such a way of buying is that the guide, having a preliminary arrangement with shops, receives from them a nic amount for the delivery of tourists. Calculate with such a situation on a good, the weighty discount is not necessary. Your discount is the payment of guide services. In addition, you do not have the opportunity to choose one or another store yourself to find the goods cheaper not to the detriment of quality. The quality of the fur coats is different. There are large factories, there is the type of our PE. I had shopping experience and there. By private owners, the quality of the sewing skins is no worse. Differences, I noticed in the lining material, for private owners it is not so expensive, accessories - minimum finishes and brilliant elements under Swarovski rhinestries, as well as a bit there are inconsistencies in processing technology, for example, there are no amplifying edges over the prummam. I have the formation of a clothing designer, so I know these nuances. In general, there are no complaints about quality. The first fur coat, which I bought in a small shop I wear for 3 years and everything is as new.

The second option, more successful from the point of view of savings - to go to themselves. You can cooperate with a group of friends, rent a car and get to Castoria. In addition to buying, you can still admire the beauties of Northern Greece. On the way you will meet the mountains, by which without a photo of the session to pass well, will not work.

What can I buy in Castoria? 9767_2

Paid roads. The cost is low - 2 euros, but the quality of the road cover is excellent.

What can I buy in Castoria? 9767_3

In the customer itself there is an amazing beauty of the lake, I advise you to visit him. In the center of the town is a small church.

What can I buy in Castoria? 9767_4

Stores search no need. Having entered the city you can go through the central highway, leaving in the store to find the best option and fur coats and its prices. Arriving yourself, you do not need to pay drawn services. Therefore, you can bargain and need to be traded before the "end". If the seller no longer makes discounts, call the manager or host. You can still throw off. It is necessary to bargain. The very limit that can be obtained 400-600 euros depending on the quality of the fur and the model. Many models, the choice is big. But, as it may not be enough, the small size of the options was much less than on larger ladies. In colors, there is a choice - from bright to dark, such as Mahagon. The latter is expensive, but I managed to still get a decent discount from the owner of the store. They traded over a cup of coffee. This is normal for the Greeks, no one considers to be gone to bargain. This is a trade rule.

What can I buy in Castoria? 9767_5

Do not rush to buy right away. Patent, look. If I liked something, but doubt, ask to postpone the model for a while. decide to come back.

After the final solution, you will write two checks - white and pink. White You leave at customs, Pink remains with you, the customs officers of the host can watch it. If VAT is spelled in the check, although the sellers are often stuck there, then this amount should be returned to the customs in Greece. Pay attention to this nuance. I did not pay anything, because VAT was not, only the cost of buying.

In addition to the fur coats, you have nothing to purchase in the custom. Here they go exclusively for this product. Here you can buy trendy models, they will cost an order more expensive, or models from past collections, on them discount. In any case, look at the quality of the fur. To see the opposite side of the skin, the lining in the product must be flying, leather (ebb) soft. You can watch a solid skin or flap. Resperating sellers themselves show and tell about the quality of their product. It is profitable for them to sell, rather than the product will lie in the store.

These are small tips for the acquisition of Greek coat. Standing purchase. In our winters - the optimal option, and the main thing is the original, and not a fake. The price goes almost two times cheaper than in our stores.

It is not necessary to go here within the framework of the Shub Tour with the obligation. By signing this commitment, you act on the acquisition of knowingly dear fur coats. And so you can successfully and relax on Chalkidiki and allocate one day for a trip over the fur coat. As they say, combine pleasant with useful.

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