Ko Lan - a place where the sunny wind lives


Sulfting in advance on the Internet the schedule of the municipal ferry to the islands, in one day we planned a trip to Paradise. Photos posted by tourists warmed up our interest, and the low cost of tickets spurred on the road. Our journey began with the fact that we slept and realizing that there was no time to look for "Tuk-Tuk" - a Thai cheap type of transport, in which the passengers are transported in the body of a small truck, quickly took a taxi. The taxi driver spoke very poorly in English and semi-robes, Polnameks, we explained to him that we would like to get to the sea station to go to the municipal ferry to go to the island of Ko Lan. Most likely, from all of the above, the Tapet understood exactly Ko Lan and drove his right-handed "ship" on muddy waves mainly by the Motorcycle Movement of Pattya. He cleverly cut the motorcyclists and cyclists and paved his way with confident presses of Klasson. It was already ahead forged a pier, near which three ferry ships stood. The taxi driver is also confident and how it seemed to me adding another Glakka flew into a kilometer marina and began to be cheerfully moved towards the ships.

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I noticed that in addition to ours, there were no other machines on the long sea pier. Perhaps there is only a pedestrian movement, because all other tourists moved on their two. The driver cheerfully twisted to one of the three ships, why it was for this that it was not possible to find out, despite the fact that the Tapet apparently still wanted to explain something to us. Overgoing his swells with generous tea, we rocked the ferry. Tickets instead of 80 rubles cost for some reason 170, but in the turmoil we did not pay attention to it. The ferry was filled with 60%.

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The time of departure approached, but our captain seems to be going to trim. He looked like a beer and we had the impression that while he would not "bother" in this way, we would not swim anywhere. By the way, to many of our compatriots beer in this morning were as impossible by the way. Captain was very amused by the exclamations of Russian girls: "Let's go!" And he gladly repeated "went, went-drove". Later we learned that this phrase can be translated from Thai about how to "go to the left". That we saw as one of the ships depart from the berth at the scheduled time. It was a municipal ferry. Now we understood everything and were grateful to the taxi driver, which brought us to a more expensive commercial ferry. Municipal was incredibly overwhelmed by Thais, for which this ferry is the only tool to get to the place of residence or work. People stood on the heat under the novice oven the sun, among the local I noticed a few unlucky tourists who were lit up to the municipal steam. Despair in 10 minutes, we easily overtake the overloaded vessel and stopping for a couple of the islands arrived on Ko Lan. The traditional Thai boats with far-out engines came to our ferry and people began to carefully reset from the vessel in them, contrary to strong waves.

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Toochasts, we saw a paradise painting, azure sea, white sand and palm trees - everything as on advertising with a paradise island. Sun loungers, mounted for one cafe, were almost all empty. We chose deck chairs, and there was an institution where we had to eat and drink all day.

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Surveying the island, we saw that from the beach inland, one dirt road leads, the cars were not observed, only a pair of single scooters boiled on the heat. We have lunch with a delicious seafood soup and grilled meat, drinking it with a local beer. For dessert ate delicious fruit ice cream. Here is an order of magnitude less merchants than on the beach in Pattaya.

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Ships and then the boats were all brushed and brought tourists. All day we were under the umbrella, leaving only for the examination of the island or swimming in the gentle and clean sea., But in the evening they are still burned. Yes, right under the umbrella - this phenomenon is called a sunny wind and in general the sun in Thailand is very active, be careful. Back to achieve as it was decided, we collected things and approached the boats that took us to the first reverse ferry. Already another, but at least a fun captain sold beer, joked as he could at Thai, and before the Pattia he herself, the boat was so angry, which we thought we will turn over and have already agreed to get climbing. But everything cost, going out with a shoe, we turned left from the pier and soon already sat in the beloved McDonalds not far from Walking Street.

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