Adrenaline in Bukovele


In a charming fairy tale called Bukovel, I got through a successful coincidence. The fact is that I participated in the action, which was conducted by a large Internet provider in our city. Could I imagine at the time of filing an application that I could break such a big kush? Having repeated experience in participating in such competitions, it has long been concluded that my share is at best some small household appliances, and with standard defolds - checkbox or mug with a company logo.

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Well, jokes jokes, however I drove in my street, as they say. Not having time to move away from the shocking triumph, and my husband and I began to actively prepare for the coming journey. The prize was sent for travel on a comfortable bus to the destination place and back, as well as accommodation in the tourist complex within three days with paid breakfast. What I can tell you, dear reader - Ski tracks I was visited only on TV, so my joy gradually began to change the feeling of anxiety. Well it turns out, it will be necessary for me, it's necessary on skis (which I rode only once, and then in deep childhood) one descend on a snow-covered slope. Here I immediately regretted that there is no way in a skiing opportunity to descend in a bundle with an instructor, as it happens in parachutists. However, the husband reassured me - they say, you will fall a couple of instratchs, and there they will learn. After such support words, all my doubts quickly disappeared, and I began to collect the necessary things.

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Here we are already in full equipment, here we are going to Bukovel, then a series of breathtaking extreme is followed, and here I am already at home expenditure, developed a month ahead, adrenaline. What can I tell those people who at the crossroads - to go or not? Definitely and a thousand times once again - Bukovel is worth visiting. Even if you do not know how to manage skiing, as you would like it (I mean myself too) - here even without skis you can go crazy from the beauty of nature that pleases the eye every second. Will I go again? Be sure to winter, and also want to see summer landscapes and try other entertainment of this resort. The most important thing is to stock up enough finance and positive attitude, and then everything will go like oil.

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