The most interesting excursions in Figueres.


Town Figueras is located in Girona Province. A small provincial town became known for the whole world thanks to the famous Surrealist artist Salvador Dali, and rather the Museum-theater, which is organized here on the artist himself.

S.Dali, many are considered a genius, other vice versa, mad. However, both categories of people have interest in his work. His works attract attention to the originality of thinking, creativity, outrageousness.

Being on vacation in the area of ​​Costa Brava, I do not think about the trip to the Museum-theater Dali. I can not call himself a fan of his creativity, but look at his masterpieces of painting and sculptures I wonder and curiously. Each extraordinary person deserves special attention. His worldview and reflection of the surrounding works contributes a certain resonance in everyday life. It turns out that a person can see everything very differently, so that sometimes it is difficult to disassemble. No wonder, many of those who visited the museum and saw the work given, treat their impressions as "brain explosion". Emotions from what have seen are really very strong.

Excursion, if you are also relaxing in one of the resort regions of Catalonia, you can purchase the hotel guide, or in any travel agency of your town. In the latter will be a little cheaper. On average, cost is about 50 euros per person, for children - 30 euros.

The duration of the journey from the coast is about one and a half hours, it all depends on the place of rest, its remoteness from Figueres. But in a comfortable bus and listening to information about the museum from a guide time flies imperceptibly. A lot of what you can see is voiced by a guide in advance. The fact is that Salvador Dali banned in the museum to hold any excursions. In his opinion, each of the visitors should imbued with his works, understand them as much as he can. However, the Grand Surrealist asked to adhere to a certain sequence of inspection of expositions. To do this, all halls are numbered in the museum.

The first thing you see, leaving the bus is the Galatia Tower.

The most interesting excursions in Figueres. 9745_1

This is a red-pink constructure, which is crowned with eggs, and on the walls of the tower fragments of yellow color are bread. Without tip, the guide would not disassemble. Eggs were given everywhere. This, in his opinion, the symbol of the birth of life.

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They gave their museum organized in the building of the former theater. He chose him because he once began to work here as a theater artist and here was his first exhibition. The building is equipped unusual. There are many halls, transitions, an interesting organization of the square.

The central element is the transparent dome, it is called geodesic. From the street, thanks to such a construction, it seems that only three floors, in fact, five of them.

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Next more interesting. Before entering the museum, a huge composition or, as the master itself, the installation itself. Below is black Cadillac, a powerful figure of a woman is towering on it, chains are tied to her hands going to a high column from tires. Esphyr, pulling the Trojan column.

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Under the dome is a boat, droplets hang out of it. The drops are made of condom filled with water and repainted in blue. On this alleged boat, the wife and muse of the artist Gala went to "hunt" for young people.

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But that's not all. Inside the machine are mannequins. If you lower the coin into the car, it will rain, but not outside, namely inside. Dali really loved the rain and could not understand why you need to hide from him. He expressed his love for the rain in this way.

Immediately around this installation is interesting for the walls. Like the walls of the medieval castle, and in the windows - figures of people with different positions of the hands. These are Egyptian priests. In fact, it is gala.

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The portrait of Gang (she, by the way, was Russian) can be seen on the first floor of the building, immediately after the composition with Cadillac. Very extraordinary representation of the beloved woman and muse.

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Immediately famous puzzle paintings. You need to stand and look. Then you can see different stories on one canvase.

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Next, new halls and new masterpieces. The museum has a furniture gallery. Here is a sofa - lips, a fireplace - nose, paintings on the wall - eyes, and the design of the opening is hair. It is also an installation. Face of kinodiva M.Uest. There are many similar installations. The truth is not always due to a large number of tourists managed to capture them entirely.

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Expressed volumetric paintings with a stereoscopic effect. In modern language - 3D. To see the volume, it is necessary to close to lean to the glass and "catch" the stereo effect from consideration of two nearby pictures.

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Separately represented gallery with jewelry decorations. Also not everything is simple. For example, a bunch of grapes made in the form of skulls.

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You can talk about the museum indefinitely. Emotions are extremely positive. At least just you need to visit a similar museum. For children, the trip, I think, will be no less interesting than adults.

In addition to the museum in Figueres, there are no other attractions. The town is quiet, cozy. You can walk after the museum along the streets in search of souvenirs, or relax in one of the many cafes.

After visiting Figueras, the trip to the Castle Pubol is still scheduled, it is not far from the town. Castle Pubol - Residence Gang. Dali bought a dilapidated building of the 11th century in the middle of 20 struts. Repaired him and Gala lived here alone. To visit her visits, the artist was supposed to receive a written permission. A small structure, there is even his own throne room, a beautiful park, which also shutdown Dali.

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Here are the figures of elephants on long legs, a fountain with heads of R. Vagner.

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In the stable, the scarecrow is a beloved white horse Galya, and in the garage - the black limousine Dali himself.

An interesting tour turned out. Emotions, impressions and many pictures will always remind of this journey to the world of Salvador Dali and Gang.

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