What is worth looking in Bender?


Bender - a city with difficult and very exciting fate. The territory was inhabited by Scythians, the Tatar-Mongols captured, conquered the Turks. The city was part of the Russian Empire and Romania. The recent past is the Moldavian SSR, and the present - the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic is an unrecognized state.

What is worth looking in Bender? 9738_1

The expression on brutal men is very suitable for this city - "Scars decorate." Indeed, "Scars", left by the richest history, are decorations and pride of the city.

The main attraction, a kind of pearl, is Bendery fortress , built when entering the Ottoman Empire in 1538.

What is worth looking in Bender? 9738_2

The fortress is still used in direct appointment - some part of its territory is a closed military object, but recently there is an active restoration and, possibly, the entire area of ​​this architectural monument will be opened soon for inspection. Already now you can resemble the numerous dungeons, to bring in ancient, but strong walls, to visit the towers from which the magnificent view of the Dniester opens. In addition to the inspection of the fortress, on the territory of the museum complex it is worth visiting the Museum of medieval torture, the military temple of Alexander Nevsky. A wonderful service is offered - hire of historical costumes. There is also a souvenir shop with familiar magnets, plates and other products that will remind you of this beautiful place. The fortress is open daily: on weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm; On weekends - from 10 am to 3 days. The entrance is paid, depends on your citizenship, the number of people, the time of visits and the desire to spend photos and video shooting.

This is perhaps the most large-scale building of the city, but it is impossible to say that all other sights are blocked next to him. Historical Museum (Sovetskaya Str. 40-42) Certainly deserves visits.

What is worth looking in Bender? 9738_3

Before your eyes, the entire history of this long-suffering territory will sweep, illustrated by artifacts. The exposition of the museum is rich! As it is clear from the name - here you can get acquainted not only with the story, but also with the vegetable and animal world. Stuffed in various animals and birds, inhabiting neighborhoods, fish, watering in the Dniester, minerals and much more can be seen and sweetered. In addition, various thematic exhibitions are perfectly held in the museum building. The museum is open daily from 10 am to 5 pm.

Permanent military conflicts, pursuing Bendery throughout its existence, postponed a large imprint on the architecture of the city, on its monuments, museums and complexes. Some of these complexes reflecting the whole tragic story is Military Historical Memorial Complex built on the site of the old military cemetery.

What is worth looking in Bender? 9738_4

According to historians estimates, more than 5,000 people are buried here - soldiers of different nationalities and religions. This is a real sorrow. Previously, the cemetery was abandoned and was in a completely deplorable state. The authorities of the city were referred to the territory and built a chapel. There is a triumphal arch, erected in honor of the victory of Russian soldiers over Turkish conquerors. The construction is very similar to her aunt in Paris:

What is worth looking in Bender? 9738_5

Be sure to visit Open-air museum where the history of the city is reflected in the metal. The beginning of the exposure is Rye, as the main symbol of the river that gives life and promoting the development of the economy and culture. Next, follow the sculptures of famous people and various events from the past:

What is worth looking in Bender? 9738_6

Bender - the poor fellow, the most important port of the unrecognized republic. The sad economic condition and political situation do not contribute to mass tourism. Meanwhile, in the city there is something to see: in the center you can see the houses of the royal buildings, beautiful parks, a wonderful embankment. Here is a beautiful nature, friendly people and a magnificent kitchen. But the echo of numerous wars makes itself felt, and although recently the situation is slowly straightened, anyway, Bendram is still rejected and rejected. It should be noted that entry into the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic for citizens of the Russian Federation is possible only by passport.

What is worth looking in Bender? 9738_7

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