Features of recreation on Kazantype


Cape Kazantip can be called a unique place. Such bays like the Kazantype, you will not meet, probably more anywhere in the Crimea. Small sheer cliffs emerging from the water dramatically replace the beach with beautiful sand and warm Azov Sea. Of course, there are no high mountains, like a skirt. But there is something else here - the unprecedented beauty of the steppe. And also - constant winds, which are great for fans of water sports, such as kaiting or windsurfing.

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But the wind does not mean bad weather. Here all summer shines the sun.

The Azov Sea warms up quickly, so in mid-May - early June you can already swim with children. And if it is raining, you can be quite sure that he will soon end and the sun will come out again - it just does not happen bad weather.

The Cape Kazantip region can rightly be considered environmentally friendly - there are no industrial zones here. The only thing you can see is constantly working windmills in five kilometers from Schelkino.

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There is, however, the Crimean NPPs unfinished in Soviet times. By the way, this NPP can be ordered a tour of this NPP a few years ago.

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But only a general view and machine room were shown on this excursion - everything else was closed to visit.

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There is no radiation danger in this area, since nuclear fuel has not been delivered. So, in 2013, when I last was at the Kazantpe, the NPP began to disassemble.

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And now I, unfortunately, it is not known that with her.

On Kazantype, you can find a lot of yogis and Sufis. The so-called "Kazantipsk Bowl" concentrates a lot of energy strength. These guys can see meditating especially often at dawn.

What kind of recreation is wild - in a tent, or a civilized - in a removable apartment, everyone chooses himself that someone is closer to the soul.

If you want to relax from the everyday fuss, then the choice is to stop on holiday in tents. There are not many people on the cape, so they don't have to "fight".

And if you need comfort - you can rent an apartment in a high-rise building in shortcut. Or in the private sector, in the village of Capese or Semenovka, located a little further. By the way, the accommodation is very cheap, it is beneficial to ride the company and shoot two or three room apartments. By the way, there are so many high spirits here because they were built as housing for the workers of the Crimean NPP, which, as I wrote above, was not completed. That's how people remained without work, but with apartments.

There are also small recreation centers on Kazantype and rehabilitation. But, this accommodation must be coordinated for a month or two to planned rest.

Kazantip - a stunning place for privacy, rest. Here you can truly enjoy the nature, warm sea and the sun, so why not to spend this holiday here?

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