Is it worth going to Athos?


If your vacation takes place on the Halkidiki Peninsula, in the regions of Cassandra or Sithonia, then on Athos it is worth going. Athos is not a spa zone, although small hotels there is. On the Athos Peninsula is one of the largest monastery complexes of Greece. There is another near the town of Kalambak - Meteor. On Athos - the peninsula itself, tourists are not allowed. There is an opportunity to visit the city, they were stunned that in translated means "Heavenly City" and make a tour along the coast of Athon on a tourist ship. Very informative and interesting journey.

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The tour can be bought at the guide, or, as I did, in the village in a small travel agency. Everything was organized perfectly, but I got into a group with Serbian tourists. That is, the Russians were two - I and my girlfriend. By the way, women relax in Greece is absolutely safe. No need to be afraid, the country is civilized, people here are good-natured and decent.

What is so notable Athos and why should I see it? I can't call myself a true Christian, but I was informative to see monasteries located on the peninsula, learn the story of Athos. It is always interesting to contemplate an ancient history, and not read about it or watch on television. Especially when there is such a chance. Go from Cassandra to Athos for only an hour, but you can also make a sea cruise.

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The excursion was historical and entertainment. The guide was narrated in Serbian, so I had to read the brochure about Athos and independently examine the surroundings. We saw several acting monasteries. By the way, many monks with meteora switched to Athos. After all, Meteor turned into a tourist center, many servants of faith considered impossible to stay there with such a number of tourists annually, which actually changed their lives and life.

A great impression was obtained from the examination of the Russian temple of St. Panteleimon. Among all others it has a rich decoration, as well as the architectural form.

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On the way back there was a show showing with the participation of a dance group. Artists not only performed national dances, but also involved tourists in them.

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Special impressions were obtained from the feeding of albatrosses with bread and sausage. They "refracted" with great pleasure. The result for me was deplorable - the fingers of the hands were injured.

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Is it worth going to Athos? 9728_6

Upon completion of the tour, there was free time for inspecting Uranopulis.

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It was possible to walk through the streets, shops, acquire religious focus products, as well as traditional souvenirs. Many shops offering silver and gold jewelry. Prices are not too high.

The cost of a trip is 35 euros, the hotel guide has 60 euros. Minus is just that I had to communicate with Serbian tourists for a long time. I have nothing against, but only the fact that someone else's tongue has been tedious for three hours. Moreover, the tourists are very active, loudly. In general, the impressions of Athon are great. No way I don't regret any money for this trip.

By the way, men can live for three days in the monasteries. You only need to get a visa. One of my friend was there and lived in complete asceticism and prayers. For a person from a major megalpolis, a similar stay in the monastery turned out to be a test.

Not only tourists come to Athos, as well as servants of faith. With us, a whole group of Russian representatives of the Church flew in the plane.

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