Why should I go to Cienfuegos?


Cienfuegos is located just 250 kilometers from Havana and is the capital of Cienfuegos Province, this is a large port center that sells tobacco, sugar and coffee. As we all know, Cuban tobacco and famous Cuban cigars are considered one of the best in the world. In addition, the town is very interesting to tourists, his numerous attractions and amazing architectural structures are called simply unique, because there is no wonder, the city of Sienfuegos is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Literally the town means hundreds of fires, and the local residents themselves refer to his southern pearl.

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The airport is located five kilometers from the city, which receives flights from Toronto and Montreal, as well as flights from Havana, where to get much simpler. After all, from Havana, you can come here on the usual and inexpensive flight bus that will deliver you directly to Cienfuegos. In addition, travelers may arrive here and with the help of railway messages from Havana, Santa Clara and Sancti Spiritus.

Here you can get acquainted not only with the historic heritage of the city, but also enjoy the amazingly beautiful and clean Caribbean sea. 15 kilometers from the city is the beach Rancho Moon, which is famous for amazing golden sands. In the areas of Ensenada de Barreras, as well as Las Playitas are the most beautiful underwater coral reefs, which simply mounted divers and lovers to dive.

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There are unique places here, because it is in these areas that tourists can visit unique underwater caves and see the remnants of sunken ships with their own eyes. Moreover, in the Caribbean, especially near coral reefs, you can watch out beautiful fish, sea hedgehogs, turtles, jellyfish, which are reef inhabitants, as well as see large and small whale sharks, if you are lucky that quite extremely. The coral reef stretches along the entire coast, its length is about 6 meters, so Cubans call the city of Siepenfuegos Pearl South. Paradise will simply strike tourists and remember them for a long time.

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Here, tourists can visit the dolphinarium, which constantly hosts the show with the participation of not only dolphins, but also by sea lions. I especially like to spend time in Dolphinarium to children, not to mention the beaches with warm water, which quickly warms up and allows the defector to splash here from the morning until late evening. Palm trees growing right away from the shore make a tropical rest even more comfortable and enjoyable. In the western part of the surroundings of Sienfuegos, there is another beach - Punta La Cueva, and Playa El Inglés Beach is located between Guajimico and Yaguanabo. The warm ocean climate of the city and the surrounding area allows you to enjoy beautiful weather and spend the time sunbathing and bathing on the beautiful beaches of Cuba. The only thing to take into account before the trip here is that the rainy season begins with May and lasts on November.

As for the sights of the city, they will not have to miss here too, because Sienfuegos provides tourists just a lot of impressions. Attractions include landmarks: Marty Square, Municipality of Sienfuegosa, Palace Ferrer, Tomas Terry Theater, Castillo de Hugua fortress, Bengham Dularte Culture House, Triumphal Arch, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Fortress of Yagua, De Benny's fortress, De Bennie Castle , etc. In total historical attractions in the city and its surroundings - about 30, so to visit everyone, travelers will need not one day.

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A very popular tourist destination is marina Marlin, which is located near the coast of the Caribbean in the city. The pier is overwhelmed by tourists who prefer not to be admired by the sea and its beauty in the evening and in the morning, but also to give lovers, because about 36 vessels can be moored on the pier. Fishing in the open sea is just a unique thing for lovers, of course. You can fish both in the afternoon and at night, because the caught fish will then become your dinner, well, or breakfast. A large number of tourists and travelers love just enjoying sea walks around the Cuban coast, watch the sunrises and sunsets of the Sun, some simply love to swim at a depth, and if we seem to see the larger marine inhabitants, like whale or tiger sharks.

Travelers must become acquainted with the specialists of Cuban cuisine, such as rice with beans or chicken. On the territory of the city there are some amazing, famous establishments, which are also historical value. For example, in the establishment of Restaurante Covadonga, Fidel Castro and his partisans dined, in 1959. But the best restaurant of the seentfuagos is considered to be 1869 Restaurant. It is located at the La Unión hotel and offers just amazingly delicious dishes. In addition, the city has a large number of institutions that are inexpensive, but very atmospheric and fun. The abundance of bars and relatively small institutions offers local colorful drinks and snacks. Drinks and cocktails are very popular based on the famous Cuban Roma, which is part of many of them. Without visiting, at least some of them, you simply do not get a complete picture of the city, in combination with its history and culture, and natural beauty, because Cuban cuisine is an integral part of the visit not only to the Cienfuegos, but also countries of Cuba as a whole.

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Tourists can visit the neighborhood of the city, for example, a small town Palmyra, in which interests the Museum of African Catholic Syncretism, in which you can take part in the ceremony and familiarize yourself with the local Joruba deities. Or you can visit the city of Trinidad, which is famous for a fairly large number of tourist objects and mischief of architecture. It also contains a natural monument - Cueva de Martin Infierno, a cave with stalagmites. There is also a wonderful waterfall of El Nicho, which is simply incredibly beautiful.

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