Cairo is the city of markets, mosques and museums.


In Cairo, we lived at the hotel, about which the workers themselves talked so - you were lucky to live in that very hotel, near which the terrorists shot a bus with the Chinese. In general, the hotel as a hotel, relatively not far from the world famous for the entire world of the Cairo Museum, Nile in the walk of reach and gorgeous views from the window, judging by which it can be assumed that an eighteen millionth city lies in a certain bowl of the lowland of a huge plateau.

Cairo is the city of markets, mosques and museums. 9718_1

When you go on a taxi or on the bus, frankly poor areas, almost slums adjacent to the secured areas of military, for example. In Cairo, it is necessary to visit the central city market.

Cairo is the city of markets, mosques and museums. 9718_2

Even if you do not need to buy anything, it is here that the breath of the East can clearly feel clearly with all these clashes, wonderful goods, merchants, cakes and rotosi - this is real Cairo. I could not, simply could not resist not to acquire a jewelry in memory of Great Cairo. Gold, silver and other jewelry glades for the eyes are plenty here, know trample to the last coin, as in other matters and everywhere, starting with taxi drivers and ending with the seller of fruits. By the way, such tasty, fresh, juicy and ripe mandarin, I have never tried anywhere on branches with leaves. I took, for example, salty kuras, red bananas and some more exotic fruits, fresh and dried.

Cairo is the city of markets, mosques and museums. 9718_3

Directly at the hotel was preparing delicious pellets, and in the Egyptian evening with dancing and songs, we were treated with unusual sweets: bassbus and Umm-Ali. In the city safely, at least for tourists from our group, no one attacked, but a little tortured begging.

Cairo is the city of markets, mosques and museums. 9718_4

In the Cairo Museum was twice: with an excursion and independently, well, of course went on the pyramids, wherever without them. Inside, by the way, it is very stuffy and cool descents, so someone has problems with claustrophobic ... an incredible plant looks like a Sphinx, and how many original photos tourists come up with the participation of this ancient Guardian deity. In Cairo, many beautiful mosques as well as a unique Coptic church, well, and those who are closer to material benefits. They will find something interesting in thousands of shops and shops on shopping streets of the city.

Cairo is the city of markets, mosques and museums. 9718_5

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